Giovanni Occhipinti


Chapter 10.

From the proto-organism to the cell


10.1 The new protein synthesis system

 Therefore, in the prebiotic era, billions and billions and billions of proto-organisms were scattered over the entire surface of the planet, within clay masses in different environmental conditions, but subject to the same chemical physical constraints. The components of each proto-organism were shelled within an ordered “almost crystalline" macrostructure of water, and the interactive system assumed the appearance of a gel. All components were held together by an electromagnetic field internally and around the system that extended into the surrounding space. It can be represented by borrowing an image from "Around the Quartz with MatLab" 2009, by Nicola Occhipinti (Appendix 5).

 The arrows represent the lines of force of the electromagnetic field around the system at that point. The electromagnetic field around the proto-organism will henceforth be called proto-field. Since the proto-organism consists mainly of asymmetric molecules, the proto-field is asymmetric.

   In addition, we have defined homeostasis as the response of the internal electromagnetic field and around the proto-organism to changes in the internal and external environment.

   The number of proto-organisms, at that time, had to be enormous because their formation must have been a spontaneous and rapid process that did not require large amounts of energy. A large amount of energy is needed in the cells of living organisms to synthesize the components of proteins and nucleic acids. But the substances necessary for the origin of these polymers, their growth and their maintenance, the proto-organisms had them available in the environment, it was only necessary to assemble them. Now, in the presence of catalysts in a non-aqueous microenvironment, the thermal energy of the environment is sufficient for the synthesis of polymers. The proto-organism was therefore born as a heterotrophic, that is, it assimilated the necessary compounds from the surrounding environment.

   It is certainly probable that the proteins of many proto-organisms were not functional enough, by composition and structure, for their self-maintenance. Consequently, a considerable number of proto-organisms will have decomposed while many others proceeded on their journey towards life.

However, what was missing for this last objective from the proto-organism?

   1) A double helix nucleic acid, DNA, with an archive function for chemical information.

   2) An organelle, the Ribosome, which guides protein synthesis.

   3) Transfer RNA, tRNA, which transport the amino acids to the RNA-Ribosome protein synthesis system.

   4) A cell membrane.

  Now, the formation of the first three points leads to the construction of a new complex protein synthesis system. But what pushed the proto-organism to build such a complexity. In fact, homeostasis, the response of the electromagnetic field, internally and around the proto-organism to changes in both the internal and external environment, could control the number of α-helices necessary for RNA synthesis and vice versa. Homeostasis could also control the number of super-secondary or tertiary enzymes and finally allow the diffusion only of the necessary missing substances, from the outside to the inside of the proto-organism, and thus keeping the system in thermodynamic equilibrium.

That is, the proto-organism had the capability of self-maintenance.

   According to Antonio Damasio in "Il sé viene alla mente" 2012, homeostasis at all levels pursues the same objective: the survival of organisms. Wanting to extend this concept homeostasis had to devote itself only to the survival of the proto-organism.

   We know though that if the proto-organism stayed the same it would not have survived, sooner or later, it would have decomposed, but this the proto-organism could not know. Why take the path to life, and not remain a proto-organism while having the possibility of self-maintenance?

   Perhaps the situation was not as calm as one might imagine. Within the proto-organism some enzymes were, certainly, subject to decomposition or were not functional. These enzymes were dissociated by other enzymes to recover the amino acids. Any missing amino acids were recovered from the external environment. The amino acids, within the proto-organism, spread in all directions and assembled using, as a mould, the first RNA molecule that they found among the hundreds present in the proto-organism. Since the meeting between RNA and amino acids was random, the probability that the amino acids had found the right mould was low. Moreover, the diffusion being random, the amino acids could arrive on different RNA moulds giving origin to short molecules of enzymes of no utility. Again, as we hypothesized, in prebiotic times there had to be a direct interaction between a trinucleotide and a specific amino acid of the α-helix, a chemical-physical system of recognition and complementarity. This means that if the α-helices have synthesized RNA molecules, the latter have synthesized the α-helices. But a direct system of recognition and complementarity, between trinucleotide and amino acids, works exactly like a biphasic system. An electrical double layer is generated between the RNA molecule and the solution, which depends on the interfacial voltage. In such a system, very small traces of surfactants alter the interfacial tension and therefore the electrokinetic potential. The rains certainly contained a large number of harmful molecules and some certainly managed to deceive the electric field around the proto-organism. A single foreign molecule, which is interposed in the RNA interface, i.e. solution between trinucleotide and amino acid, completely alters the electrical signal of this system. The specific amino acid does not recognize its trinucleotide, the protein synthesis stops and the system moves away from the thermodynamic equilibrium. And the same applies to the synthesis of RNA on α-helix moulds. In short, for its self-maintenance, the proto-organism risked falling victim to chance


   Under these conditions, the proto-organism entered a phase of instability and moved away from the thermodynamic equilibrium reached by ascending from the energetic valley.

 The only thing left for the homeostasis was to search, in the prebiotic environment, for the molecules necessary to re-establish the thermodynamic equilibrium.

   To maintain balance, the assembly of a more elaborate system for the synthesis of proteins was therefore urgent. A robust system based on the interaction between codon and anticodon, which would certainly have slowed down protein synthesis but which would have made it safer. It was therefore the need to bring the balance back into the proto-organism that homeostasis gives rise to DNA. This nucleic acid differs from RNA because its nucleotides contain sugar D-Deoxyribose instead of D-Ribose and the nucleobase Thymine instead of Uracil. As reported by C. Ponnamperuma (quoted work), Oro and Cox found that Deoxyribose (Right and Left) are formed, with a yield of about 5%, from glyceraldehyde and acetaldehyde in aqueous systems. The reaction is catalyzed by bivalent metal oxides. The Thymine was obtained by Ernesto Di Mauro and Raffaele Saladino (quoted work) by reacting the formamide (HCONH2) in the presence of TiO2, a metal oxide widely present in nature. Thus, Deoxyribose and Thymine, although in small quantities, were present in the prebiotic era. Homeostasis responsible for maintaining or restoring chemical balance allows, within the cytoplasm of the proto-organism, the diffusion of only these two specific substances. The presence of Thymine and D-Deoxyribose, the immediate formation of the tri-nucleotides containing these compounds and the consequent synthesis of short DNA molecules must have enormously stabilized the proto-organism.

   In double-stranded DNA, Timina (T) couples with Adenine (A) to form the T-A pair, but Uracil can also form U-A pairs. All this meant that the electromagnetic field of a tri-nucleotide containing the Thymine is similar to the electromagnetic field containing the Uracil, and that the tri-nucleotides containing T encode the same amino acids of the tri-nucleotides containing U. This leads us to conclude that the formation of short DNA molecules occurred on α-Helices moulds. The appearance of DNA must have immediately triggered the separation of functions with the DNA depository of genetic information and the RNA delegated to the translation of the message into proteins that was generated, only when necessary. Some RNA released from the role of genetic information repositories assumed the task of tRNA, while others aggregated giving rise to a primitive RNA ribosome. Thus, a system for translating messages into proteins based on RNA, tRNA and Ribosome, is born. A robust system based on the interaction between codon and anticodon, which would certainly have slowed down protein synthesis but which would have made it safer.

   The appearance of the DNA brings the system back to equilibrium, but the whole of the proto-organism becomes more complex. This complexity is also due to the fact that some processes within the proto-organism have become more complex. For example: DNA replication, the DNA-protein system for the expression of a gene in RNA, the synthesis of proteins through the RNA-Ribosome-tRNA system. Now, even within the framework of the general design, each of these processes operates autonomously. This suggests that each of these processes is a sub-set with its own electromagnetic field and its own homeostasis.

Then, how could the proto-organism work?

   Imagine that within a subset, a protein decomposes and as a consequence of such decomposition, the electromagnetic field of the sub-set changes and presents some instability. The new field communicates to a sub-set of DNA-proteins to express in RNA the gene specific for that protein. The presence of the new RNA, through its electromagnetic field, activates the tRNA-Ribosome system that synthesizes the protein. The new protein enters the original subset and stabilizes its electromagnetic field. A network of interdependent sub-assemblies is therefore created, all of them necessarily in synergistic coordination with the electromagnetic field of the proto-organism that regulates the balance of the whole.

   In reference to the cell Paul Davis, (quoted work) writes: «The countless specialized molecules available, many of which are only found within living organisms, are already enormously complex themselves. They perform a dance of exquisite perfection, orchestrated with surprising synchrony. Far more elaborate than the most complicated ballet, the dance of life that involves countless molecular actors in synergistic coordination. Yet it is a dance without a trace of a choreographer; no intelligence, no mystical force, no conscious entity makes the molecules enter the scene at the right time, chooses the most suitable interpreters, closes the circles, separates the couples and makes everything move. The dance of life is spontaneous, it is created and sustained by itself». And Duranti Marcello (quoted work) adds: «The symphony of life is played by an orchestra of tens of thousands elements without a director. Each protein follows its part correctly and at the right time».

   But perhaps the dance of life is not spontaneous, there are choreographers and directors: it is the electromagnetic field around and inside the proto-organism that surrounds every molecule, the sub-sets and the whole system. It is the electromagnetic field of the whole proto-organism that directs the orchestra and maintains the equilibrium under thermodynamic control. In order to maintain this balance, it triggers reactions, aggregates molecules, commands synthesis and coordinates all processes. Therefore, the dance of life is not spontaneous in the sense that there is no choreographer. It is spontaneous in the sense that the process is spontaneous, that is under the thermodynamic control.

 10.2 The cell membrane

 The increase in complexity however requires an increasing number of compounds, to be found in the surrounding environment in particular amino acids, due to the increased need for enzymes.

Soon, another problem arises: the large number of proto-organisms, contained in the clay masses begins to deplete the environment and the available compounds decrease more and more. Homeostasis responsible for maintaining the survival of the proto-organism must go to procure the necessary compounds. However, the proto-organism is in fact a gel, which even if held together by an internal and external electromagnetic field around it, always enjoys the protection of the walls of the niche. For the proto-organism, to abandon the niche without a new protection means to disperse all its semi-fluid content in the environment, which means the end. A protection that replaces the walls of the cavity, which envelops the proto-organism and allows it to move freely is necessary, in a word: a membrane.

   The appearance of the membrane marks an epochal leap: The proto-organism becomes a proto-cell and becomes autonomous; we are one-step away from life.

   Although perhaps we will never know how things really went, it is essential to analyze this epochal passage well and find all the necessary clues to a possible path.

   Let us start from Christian De Duve (quoted work, 2008): "In today's cells, membranes never originate from scratch; they develop by accretion, which means through the inclusion of new molecules in a pre-existing entity. The membranes, therefore, come from pre-existing membranes, linked by an uninterrupted filiation with an ancestral membrane that could go back to the earliest times of life on Earth ».

   This does not mean that current membranes are ancestral membranes. It means that current membranes have slowly replaced ancestral membranes as the cell's metabolic capacity increases, but their nature must have been similar. The components of the current membranes are the phospholipids glycerol-formed compounds to which, a phosphoric residue (head) and two long fatty acid chains containing 15-17 carbon atoms bonded with hydrogen atoms (tail), are linked.


Now, while the head due to the presence of electric charges is soluble in water, the tail is not, but it can bind with the tails of other molecules forming double lipid layers and for this double possibility the phospholipids are called amphiphilic. Therefore, if we have phospholipids in water, the long phospholipid tails, not being water soluble (hydrophobic), increase the energy of the system and make the solution unstable. Without going into too much detail, the link between the tails and the formation of the double lipid layers is a spontaneous process that increases the universal chaos and is therefore under thermodynamic control.

The Double lipid layers can form vesicles by separating the inside from the outside and the phospholipid heads bind to the water inside and outside the vesicles.

In "Origin: l’universo, la vita , l’intelligenza" by Bertola, Calvani and Curi 1994, in the Origins of Life chapter, André Brack writes: «Fatty acids are known to form vesicles when hydrocarbon chains contain more than ten carbon atoms. However, the membranes obtained with these simple amphiphiles do not remain stable in a wide variety of conditions. Stable neutral lipids can be obtained by condensing fatty acids with glycerol. Fatty acids can also be associated with glycerol-3-phosphate with good yields. Thus, most of the current phospholipids can be obtained under simple conditions (Deamer and Orò 1980). It should however be noted that fatty acids are made of carbon monoxide and hydrogen at temperatures (450° C) which are unlikely to have existed on the primitive Earth».

   But as reported by Christian De Duve (quoted work) just Deamer found, in the Murchison meteorite, amphiphilic substances capable of forming vesicles. One of these substances appears to be a fatty acid containing nine carbon atoms that artificially created and under certain conditions appears to form vesicles. This possibility still is reinforced, as De Duve notes, by the fact that Hanczyc and al. 2003, observed the formation of vesicles of fatty acids catalyzed by the clay.

So also, the formation of vesicles brings us back to clay, reinforcing Bernal's theory.

 There are also many experiments that show how, with increasing concentrations of fatty acids or their derivatives, also called surfactants, the vesicles first increase in volume and then divide, imitating cell division. Furthermore, the membranes of current living organisms are not only composed of phospholipids but also contain a large number of proteins. The latter, besides having structural functions, are used as material transporters from inside to outside the cell and vice versa, while others contain receptors that play an important role in the communication between the two sides of the membrane. Furthermore, many researchers have highlighted how some vesicles also present a selective permeability.

   Ultimately, there is the possibility that in the prebiotic era compounds capable of giving origins to vesicles existed.

But how things really went?

    It is probable that at the beginning the proteins, on the surface, constituted a membrane that guarded the entrance of the cavity. These proteins had to contain rudimentary receptors, they communicated the state of the surrounding environment to homeostasis and, upon input from homeostasis, it was these proteins that decided what was to enter and what was to exit. Now many proteins contain amphiphilic traits in their molecule and these must have been linked with amphiphilic substances existing in the environment. As we will see later, it is very likely that these substances were already short molecules of phospholipids given the possibility, as claimed by Brack (quoted work), to obtain them even under simple conditions. Due to the need to leave the cavity in search of the substances necessary for survival, homeostasis associate with proteins that guard the cavities with more and more phospholipids from the surrounding environment, to form a rudimentary membrane catalyzed by clay which surrounds the whole proto-organism. The proteins that guarded the cavity must have been distributed over the entire surface of the membrane. The formation of the membrane formed by phospholipids and proteins is a spontaneous process, such as the formation of vesicles, because it increases the universal chaos and is therefore under thermodynamic control. It is very flexible and can move easily among the clay granules in search of nutrients. The proto-organism becomes a proto-cell, that able to move independently, abandons the cavity.

But why exactly phospholipids?

   The main polymers, proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, lipids, are composed of compounds whose molecules have a Right and a Left form. Although in the biological world only one of these forms is used: either the Right or the Left. For example, amino acids of the Left form are used in proteins, whereas in the nucleic acids the sugars are of the Right form.

   We have already recalled the fact that amino acids are chiral, in other words, they are not made up of a single molecule but two molecules (50% Right and 50% Left) of which one is the mirror image of the other. Each atom or atomic group that makes up the molecules has polar covalent bonds and is therefore a dipole. Now if the D form is the mirror image of the L form, the dipoles of the D form will also be the mirror image of the dipoles of the L form. Since the molecule has a spatial structure, at the molecular level the dipole of the two different structures can be imagined as helical, one oriented to the Right and the other to the Left. Each of these molecules is associated with an electromagnetic field whose force lines have a helical pattern. The electromagnetic fields associated with the two forms must necessarily be one mirror of the other.

   To simplify, we have sometimes associated with the right-hand form an electromagnetic field with a right-hand helical shape and with the left-form form an electromagnetic field with a left trend. In reality, no one has ever studied the progress of these fields. It may be that the right course of the electromagnetic field actually corresponds to the form Right, but can just as well it may be that correspond to the Left form. What we can say is that if two helical electromagnetic fields associate to each other, it means that their trends complement each other.

Why this clarification?

   Because the membrane-forming phospholipids are chiral, that is, they have a Right and a Left shape. Now days the Left form is used in bacteria and higher organisms, which is, a fatty acid linked to L-Glycerol-3-phosphate. In another family (more precisely domain) of bacteria, the archaebacteria, the tails of the membrane components are chains of alcohols linked to D-Glycerol-3-phosphate, which is the right-hand form.

   As we have repeatedly pointed out, the electromagnetic field around the proto-organism, the proto-field must necessarily be helical and asymmetric. So, in the prebiotic era, in addition to the fatty acid linked to L-Glycerol-3-phosphate (Left form), its mirror image, the D-Glycerol-3-phosphate (right-hand form), should also be present. If in the bacteria and in the higher organisms the form L was chosen, and in the archaebacteria the form D, it means that their electromagnetic fields are complemented by the helicoidal pattern of the proto-field around the proto-organism. The membrane, therefore, is firmly anchored to the proto-field of the proto-organism and ensures that the components of the latter do not disperse in the environment.


The figure shows the proto-organism wrapped in a membrane whose asymmetrical heads are represented by round ones, while surface proteins, with rudimentary receptors that overlook the surrounding environment, are represented by enlarged half-lines.

   At the same time, since the asymmetric heads of the membrane components are both internal and external, they transfer the asymmetry of the proto-field to the outside: the proto-cell is asymmetric. If the proto-field of the proto-organism did not exist, the membrane would have no anchorage and once abandoned the cavity, at the slightest perturbation, the membrane and proto-organism would separate and disperse. But if this is the case, it means that the hypothesis of the electromagnetic field internal and around the proto-organism is a likely a tangible hypothesis.

The proto-cell, however, is not yet the cell. There are two fundamental steps towards life:

The origin of cell duplication and the origin of the mind.


Chapter 11.

Cell duplication


11.1 Origin of offspring

 The first fundamental point of Darwin’s natural selection theory is:

1) More individuals are born than can possibly survive

There is no doubt that living organisms give rise to offspring, and more offspring than they can survive.

   Ernst Mayr (quoted work) 2005, after highlighting that biology is divided into two sectors, mechanistic biology (or functional) and the historical or evolutionary biology, says: «However, the question that the functional biology often asked is "how", as in evolutionary biology the most common question is "why».

Now, through the study of current living organisms, it is not possible to understand "how" the descent entered their inheritance. However, scholars and evolutionists have tried to understand the "why" of offspring.

In examining the structure of the Darwinian theory Mario Ageno (quoted work) 1986, he states: «We can now conclude our brief critical analysis of some fundamental concepts of Darwinian theory. A few stretch marks of the ordinary setting of the theory emerged from it, which can be summarized as follows: [...]. The theory takes note, without trying in any way to justify, of the existence, for each living population, of a large excess of reproductive capacity, which constitutes the "driving force" of every evolutionary process […]». Therefore, Darwin does not justify the "driving force" of his theory.

   The question is also raised by S.J. Gould and Elisabeth S. Vrba in "Exaptation" 2008, when they said: «In the Darwinian theory, evolutionary change is the product of the differential success, the different rates of birth and mortality between organisms within a population. As such, it is a simple representation of differentials in population: itself does not contain any statement on the causes of the phenomenon».

Thus, more individuals are born than they can survive.


   Niels Eldredge in the essay "Ripensare Darwin" 2008, after highlighting that in every generation more organisms are born than can survive and reproduce, remembers what George Williams wrote in "Adaptation and natural selection", 1966: «The selection, in Williams’s judgment, does not tell future developments - has no way to recognize what might be the best for the survival of the species».

   Maynard Smith (quoted work), does not seem to share this opinion, but does not directly address the question. However, he brought back one of Lack’s works on the number of eggs laid by herrings (thousands) and other fish and concludes: «One might conclude that, in view of high larval mortality, it is necessary that the herring lay a large number of eggs in order for the species to survive. This is quite true [...]».

   Mario Ageno is of the same thought when he says (quoted work) 1986: «The first fact to highlight is the excess of reproductive potential that every type of organism has. It is clear that (taking also account of the inevitable possibility of occasional accidents, which result in the elimination of populations), in order not to become extinct, each population must be able to generate significantly more children per parent on average than one».

   SJ Gould and Elisabeth Vrba have indeed raised the issue but did not express any opinion.

   Even Niels Eldredge does not explain well his opinion on the issue. But he, (quoted work) 2008, still states notations of George Williams (in his opinion one of the most rigid defenders of Darwinian tradition): «Williams, kept repeating that the selection cannot “predict” the future, it concluded - not unreasonably - that it is not possible for organisms to reproduce for the purpose of perpetuating the population or species to which they belong. Natural selection cannot know in any way what is in hold for the species as time passes». Eldredge shares the thought of Williams but disagrees with the conclusions when Williams writes: «The purpose of the reproduction of an individual is [...] to maximize the performance of the genetic material of its germ cells, compared to that of other members of the same population».

So, summarizing, why are more individuals born than can possibly survive?

   Darwin gives no justification, Williams says that evolution cannot know the future, Maynard Smith and Mario Ageno think it is for the survival of the species, Niels Eldredge denies them by sharing Williams' claim that selection cannot predict the future, but does not explain his opinion, SJ Gould and Elisabeth Vrba are silent.

From these attempts to solve the problem, what we can subscribe to is Williams' statement: the selection does not intend any of the future; it does not know what could be beneficial for the survival of the species.

   On the other hand, in support of this statement, the other two fundamental points of Darwin's theory can be cited:

2) Individuals are not all equal but present random variations (in the sense of not finalized).

Indeed, chance does not know the future.

3) Natural selection: the individual who presents the most suitable variation in a given environment survives.

   This leads us to conclude that natural selection, evolution, acts on offspring, but offspring must already exist; appearance the offspring begins the evolution.

   There is no doubt, then, that for living organisms giving rise to offspring and more offspring than they can survive is an instinct contained, from the beginning, in their biochemical structure. The instinct to give birth to descendants must necessarily go back to the first cells and therefore to the origin of life. If the proto-cells had not given rise to a descent, in a hostile world such as the primordial Earth, subjected to infinite random adversities, they would sooner or later have decomposed. Therefore: the offspring appears life appears.

The offspring appears with the origin of life.

But how did the offspring enter the biochemical structure of the first protocells? i.e. how and why did the proto-cellular division begin?

   Abandoned the cavity, the environment that the proto-cells found as very well described by J. William Schopf, “La culla della vita”2003: «Since the Earth-Moon distance was less, the Earth rotated more rapidly, the days they were shorter, the tides more impressive and the storms stronger. The skies were of a stale grey steel, obscured by sandstorms, volcanic clouds, and subtle rocky debris lifted by the meteoric bombardment. [...] Due to the almost total absence of free oxygen, atmospheric ozone (O3), capable of absorbing ultraviolet rays, was still scarce, and the terrestrial surface was immersed in a ultraviolet lethal light for the first forms of life. The organisms still had to learn to face this hostile environment [...]». Surely, due to these conditions, the salinity, the pH, the content of organic substances contained in the clay changed continuously and made the equilibrium reached by the proto-cell unstable. Moreover, within the microenvironments of the clayey masses, strong micro-currents of water could sweep it away; the survival of the proto-cell was at risk.

Chaos dominated the environment, it was necessary to solve the problem here and now.

   As we have described elsewhere, homeostasis remains a matter internal to the proto-cell, it has no direct interaction with the external environment.

But then, how did homeostasis be informed of the conditions of the surrounding environment?

   As we will illustrate shortly, the plasma membrane, in current organisms, is the dynamic centre of cellular life, where membrane proteins play a decisive role also in cell division. The membrane proteins, even if still rudimentary, already had to consist of a head in contact with the external environment, a body immersed in the membrane and a tail in contact with the internal environment. Surely, even then as today, it was these proteins that informed homeostasis of the chaotic and lethal conditions of the external environment and to push towards a change.

   Now, the only possible change for the survival of the proto-cell was to increase its mass, and homeostasis does it in the only way it knows to do it: to build structures and produce entropy. The homeostasis co-opt in the proto-cell amino acids, sugars, nucleobases from the surrounding environment and generates DNA, RNA and proteins. But these polymers are copies of the already present polymers that, in order not to give rise to unnecessary overlapping of roles, homeostasis borders the copies in a part of the proto-cell. The increase in mass seems to give greater resistance to the proto-cell, but causes an increase in the volume and therefore of the membrane surface. For the survival of the proto-cell, homeostasis must therefore also synthesize membrane proteins. The latter, for its growth, must take other phospholipid molecules from the environment and associate through the hydrophobic part. The increase in the volume of the proto-cell puts the membrane under tension. Now, it has been shown experimentally that the addition of lipid derivatives or surfactants to pre-existing vesicles first causes a growth of the vesicles and then their spontaneous division. We can then imagine that the increase in mass and volume of the proto-cell has begun to detach the part containing the copies.

 In order not to disperse the contents of the copy, the proto-cell adapts some enzymes to guide the separation and keep the separated part glued.

The proto-cell has become a cell.

Hence, the genes for the synthesis of the enzymes necessary for proto-cellular division are already present in the DNA, and because they are critical for survival, homeostasis will use these enzymes primarily for cell division.

   In this "way", the offspring enters the biochemical structure of the first cells.

   The appearance, through homeostasis, of proteins for cell division must have been, within the two cells, the signal for DNA replication, which led the daughter cells to have the same genome.

   As for the vesicles to which lipid derivatives are added, the proto-cellular division has been thermodynamically favoured. To maintain their internal balance, for their survival, the two cells give rise to four, eight cells and so on until they create a colony. The colony of cells occupies the microenvironment and gives rise to a homeostasis of the entire colony that controls the parameters of the microenvironment and maintains the thermodynamic equilibrium within it.

   The membrane proteins of the cells inside the colony, communicate to their homeostasis the improvement of environmental parameters to their surroundings, and therefore a greater probability of survival.   But the membrane proteins of the outer cells of the colony communicate the risk of their position and some are even wiped out or destroyed by the hostile surrounding environment. The homeostasis of the colony, responsible for the survival of cells, takes from the environment the material necessary for cell division. This division must, however, give rise to more cells than necessary, that is, more individuals that can survive because many will not survive the adversities of the environment.

The single cell through homeostasis maintains equilibrium within it, the homeostasis of the colony and subsequently of the group or specie keeps the surrounding environment in equilibrium.

However, if the cell division is already contained in the DNA, who decides to activate the genes to produce offspring and more offspring than actually survive?

It is the homeostasis that, designed for survival, activate the genes and define the number of descendants of the living organisms, depending on the nutrients available, the homeostasis of the colony, of the group or species and environmental conditions or more generally in function of the homeostasis of the ecosystem. If these conditions do not change, the number of descendants, so defined, can remain roughly unchanged for thousands or millions of years.

   All living organisms derive from these primordial cells and therefore all living organisms contain in their biochemical structure, in their genome, the ancestral instructions of descents but must measure themselves with the surrounding environment (or if you prefer: the offspring is genetic, how much offspring is epigenetic).

Then, "why" is the instinct to give offspring and more offspring than can survive contained in the genome of living organisms?

To keep the surrounding environment, necessary for survival, in equilibrium.

   Explicitly, under the control of a colony, group or species homeostasis and environmental conditions, living organisms have children to survive and children for their survival continue to have children. The instinct to reproduce is an instinct for one's survival.

   In the human species, cultural evolution has brought some variation to the theme, but not that much. Let us imagine a city that we will call A and a perfect copy of it that we will call B. Now, while in the first city people continue to have children and many inhabitants can reach a venerable age, in the second city the inhabitants, to save savings, decide not to have more children.

What will happen in the city B?

   It breaks the environmental balance. To give some examples, looking only at the economic aspects, the hospitals close the departments of new births, the trade of products for children will disappear and the nurseries will close. The inhabitants will soon struggle to seize the available resources, a civil war will be unleashed and no one will reach venerable age because the city will not survive more than a few years. First of all survive and to survive reproduce. Reproduce for their own survival.

11.2 The unity of life

 We said that the proto-organisms formed in volcanic areas were certainly different because the amino acids constituting the proteins were different. But then the cells formed near those areas also had to be different. These cells therefore had to develop different metabolic pathways.

But then why life is unitary?

   The DNA (deoxyribose) is the molecule that contains genetic information. It is written in the DNA if an organism will be a human being, a tree, or a microorganism. In the DNA of all organisms, have been found tens of thousands of segments called genes. It is genes, or groups of genes, which establish the colour of the skin, the number of fingers in a hand, and so on. Every living organism always transmits its own genetic patrimony to its descendants. This transmission is called vertical and was believed to be the only way of genetic transmission between living organisms.

   In the 80s of the last century were discovered in the world of bacteria and among mono cellular eukaryotes the lateral transmission also called horizontal transmission: genes do not transmit only from one organism to its descendants, but also from cells which do not present any link of hereditary type.

   Starting from the hypothesis that life had many origins, all almost equal because our planet's chemical physical conditions were almost equal, it is likely that colonies of similar cells in a given environment gave rise to a population. In the various environments, the various populations initially developed their own metabolic pathways. The cells that were on the periphery of each population took their nourishment from the surrounding environment.

   However, when nourishment began to be scarce, the nourishment contained in the dead cells of other populations could not be overlooked. The latter, however, certainly contained unknown substances and metabolic processes. Therefore, the peripheral cells in order to fully utilize the nourishment of cells of other populations also took possession of the genes of their metabolic systems. These genes from the periphery were then passed on to the whole population. All the populations must have given rise to a community of primitive cells which, through the continuous exchange of genes, has led to the unity of life. When prebiotic nourishment completely disappeared in the environment, some populations became predators feeding on neighbouring cell populations and thus the unity of life was completed.

   From this community of primitive cells finally emerged the Bacteria, the Eukaryotes and the Archaea.

 It was a need for survival from the very beginning that made the big fish eat the small fish, the eagle the snake and we all eat. The unity of life could therefore depend on lateral transmission, that is, on genetic exchanges between microorganisms without kinship. Without lateral transmission, each population would have continued to develop their own metabolic processes; life would not have been a unitary process and could hardly have evolved.

Chapter 12.

The origin of the mind


12.1 The mind in higher organisms and eukaryotes


In common language, by the word Mind one intends memory, direction of the intellectual and practical processes, conscience. Such a definition, even if in daily practice it is referred to the mind as a product of the human brain, it remains, however, a definition scientifically open.

   With the coming of the neurosciences, the definition of Mind changes and becomes an activity of special cells: the neurons. And in fact De Duve (quoted work) 1995, writes: «Mind does not exist without brain […]».   Now, since the different functions of the brain as of all organs are due to the different genes contained in them (activated), the question becomes genetic. So Gay Marcus in “La nascita della mente” 2008, informs us that «It is without doubt possible that 5000 different genes contribute to form human intelligence and that only some hundreds of these vary in such a way as to contribute to the differences between one person and another.[…] the hereditary values tell us only how the differences in these few genes are correlated to the differences in values like those of the IQ». Therefore, when the gene or genes which determine the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) will be identified, we shall be able, finally, to establish who, between human beings, really possesses a Mind and who not.

 And as for me, let us hope that I make it!

   Armed like this, the definition of Mind has become a Dogma, which blocks research and creates, as we shall see, an incredible paradox.

But do we actually have certainties on the mind?

Christian De Duve, after having quoted some scientists and philosophers who work on the problem of mind, continues: «These few quotations should clear the fact that research on the mind is still in the embryonal state. This situation does not depend on the lack of study. In recent years, tens of books have appeared on the argument, written by neuroscientists, linguists, specialists in computer and philosophers, not to mention theologises. Unfortunately the theses sustained are almost as many as the authors, also because the ideology has a role more important in human psychology than in other scientific fields».

   In other words, nobody knows how the brain gives rise to the mind. Nobody knows if there is only the conscious mind of humans and if there are also conscious minds in relation to the degree of evolution of an organism in a given environment. Nobody has ever shown that a brain is needed to create a mind.

   Now, De Duve’s essay is written in 1995 and it does not seem that in the last two decades these problems have been resolved.

   In 2005 Giorgio Vallortigara publishes the result of his researches, included also in the essay “La mente che scodinzola” 2011. He makes it evident that: «If that which is important for living organisms is to survive and reproduce, natural selection must have invented (as in fact it did) a variety of expedients and shortcuts for more appropriate behaviour in a given environment». We have made evident how the instinct of reproduction seems contained inside the same biological structure that gave origin to life.

But for survival, what expedients and what shortcuts did natural selection invent for behaviour more adequate in a certain ambience?

   Vallortigara synthesises the result of his research and writes: «In these years we have learned much on the Mind of animals not human. Animals seem to be gifted with a basic cognitive equipment for survival, which is then the same possessed by our species, a set of specialized modules which consent to interact with objects, both physical (inanimate) and social (animals), to place them in space and time, to number them, and to make suppositions on their properties and on their behaviour and in some circumstances to use them as instruments». Moreover: «The results hence suggest that, over and above human beings, some other animals could have a mental representation of the future».

But only animals present this set of modules specialized for survival? And if they are presented by other living organisms, can we or not call it “basic cognitive equipment”?

   In “L’origine delle teorie” (treated in: Quattro saggi sulla scienza 2012, Le Scienze), Enrico Bellone, after having made evident that: «There is no doubt that we more or less well adapt to our domestic places exactly because we know how to number the things which surround us, esteem the surfaces and volumes, reason in such a way that if a certain thing happens, then a given event can happen». A bit further, he affirms: «It is difficult to contradict, for decades now, that living organisms are capable of communicating between themselves, and that the communicative ability needs forms of intelligence. Thus it happens for example with hens. When a dog is approaching, a cockerel gives out a specific sequence of sound. The sequence is different if, on the other hand, a hawk comes in view. Finally, other sounds are propagated when our cockerel finds appetizing food, and still others when the food is less interesting. And the hens which are around assume different behaviour when they listen to those variable acoustic stimuli: they assume it also if the stimuli are propagated not by a watchful cockerel but by a loudspeaker. […] When we explore these situations, we can demonstrate that the cockerel does not act as a machine (or like a passive recipient to the inside of which a stimulus causes a reaction) but as an organism gifted with a program: “when you find good food if a hen is around then you make calls”». He also recalls the incredible ability of the nutcracker: «Other living organisms must, so as to survive, satisfy needs of orienting environing and create maps. It is of a certain interest, on this question, the relationship between a bird, which is called nutcracker, and the zones in which the nutcracker live. This little bird, as Giorgio Vallortigara explains, nourishes itself mainly of the seeds of conifers. Predicting winter, it accumulates an average of 30000 seeds; not at one time but in groups of five or six. The single groups are deposited in various biding places, about 5500 biding places. With bad weather the nutcracker goes to the biding place and feeds itself».

Until here following Christian De Duve, “there is nothing without a brain”.

   But Bellone goes further. After having argued on the theory of the human knowledge by Popper, he gives his attention also to the plants: «We see them, for example, lose their leaves. Usually we undervalue the fact that the mutations observable in these living organisms precede the real winter. In such a way, an important aspect escapes us: plants preview a lowering of temperature and a notable lowering in the intensity of light, which they need to live in the best way. The prevision is notable efficient, and functions also because the ambiance variation are periodic: the winters are similar from one year to another, and this induces waiting. To elaborate a prevision it is necessary to dispose of sensorial aspects, which measure, for example, the tendency of lowering temperature of the niche. Our plants though they do not have neurons, they feel the becoming of a rigid climate and they behave as though they were evaluating the change perceived in the scheme “if…then”: very refined processes inside the bodies receive external stimuli. They translate them in incorporate languages and predispose the right reactions. In other occasions, I have already insisted on such arguments. Particularly efficient from a didactic point of view is the exemplary case of a wild potato, Solanum berthaulthii, which often attacked by certain aphides. These are at their turn the prey of other organisms and when the attack progresses, they emit and propagate in the ambiance around them very particular molecules that are perceived by other aphides and interpreted as a signal of alarm which creates an escape reaction. Well, the potatoes attacked by the aphides, produce and give out the same molecular message, in such a way as to dissuade the attackers by means of a lie communicated with the subterfuge consisting in the ability to imitate the language of others.

   It would be unforgivable, even in the seat of the theory of knowledge, to lay in undertone this state of things. Vegetables do not have neuron webs, or such a thing of brain. Moreover, it would be extravagant to concede to plants a repertoire of mental states or a conscience. In fact vegetables have languages whose basic signs are ions and molecules, thanks to which they transfer information both at their own interior and externally, in such a way as to establish relationships with other vegetables».

   Recently communication in plants has been enriched again with the discovery of Simon Gilroy of the University of Wisconsin "plant communications" The Sciences November 2018. The researcher discovered that a lesion to a leaf is communicated to the other leaves through a wave of calcium ions that spreads from cell to cell as in neurons. The activated cell transmits excitement to the other cells by secreting glutamate one of the evolutionarily older animal neurotransmitters.

   Decidedly In a much larger dimension Stefano Mancuso e Alessandra Viola introduce us in “Verde Brillante”2013. The authors, illustrated also the results of research and after having made it evident how the plants not only are in possession of our own senses (view, hearing, olfaction, taste and touch) certainly developed according to vegetable nature and not human, but they possess at least another 15, arguing: «As we well know, in fact, every plant uninterruptedly registers a great number of ambient parameters (light, humidity, chemical quantities gradient, the presence of other plants or animals, electromagnetic field, gravity etc.) and on the basis of these data it is called to take decisions which concern the search for food, competition, defence, relationship with other plants and with animals: an activity difficult to imagine without introducing the concept of intelligence» 

   And further on, after having made it evident that plants do not have a brain at least as we intend it, and after having asked himself the question if the brain is really the only seat of “production” of intelligence, the authors affirm: «In plants the cerebral functions are not separate from bodily functions, but included in every single cell: a real and proper living example of that which students of Artificial Intelligence call embodied agent, that is an intelligent agent which interacts with the world through its own physical body».

   S. Mancuso and A. Viola, after having made it evident that Darwin was also an extraordinary botanic report how he wrote on the subject: «It is not an exaggeration to say that the point of the root, thus gifted with [sensitivity] and which has the power to direct the movement of the frontier regions, acts like the brain of an inferior animal, the brain being situated in the anterior part of the body, receives impressions from the sensitive organs and directs the different movements».

   Hence, plants do not have a brain, at least as we intend it. Yet, just as animals seem to be gifted with a basic cognitive equipment for survival certainly oriented towards animal nature, one cannot deny that also plants have a basic cognitive equipment for survival, this time oriented towards vegetable nature.

   All this enter into collision with the dogmatic vision of the neurosciences.   In fact, Antonio Damasio in his essay (quoted work), 2012 when he defines the conceptual picture of his hypotheses affirms: «Organisms generate the mind thanks to the activity of special cell –neurons- […] ». And, with reference to the success of our remote ancestor he continues: «What opened the path to complex creatures like us? For the purpose of our appearance, an important ingredient seems to have been movement: something of which plants do not dispose, but with which we and some other animals are gifted. Plants can have tropism: some are able to orientate themselves searching for the sun or avoid shade; and some, like the carnivorous Dionaea, succeed in capturing distracted insects. No plant however can uproot itself, go, and seek a better environment somewhere else: the Gardner must do it for her. The tragedy of the plants, which however they ignore, is that their cells, surrounded by a rigid pane, like a corset, will never be able to modify their form in a sufficient way to become neurons. Plants do not have nervous cells. Hence, they will never have a mind».

  However, Antonio Damasio, through homeostasis, attributes to the single eukaryotic cell, concepts of desire, will, intentions and ends which we associate to the human mind and argues: «It has in fact been found that living creatures completely without brain, even single cells, present forms of behaviour apparently intelligent and directed to an end: this also is a scarcely appreciated fact».

   In truth, these opinions on the behaviour of the single cell Konrad Lorenz “L’etologia” 1978 (ed. 2011), around the middle of the last century, he had already expressed them. In the chapter “Mechanisms which elaborate an information momentary” with reference to the amoeboid behaviour, (the amoeba is a unicellular organism), writes: «In its natural ambiance, that is in a liquid of culture in which it can live permanently, the amoebae appears to be extraordinarily adaptable in its behaviour, indeed even intelligent. It avoids the harmful effect by means of an escape of "fear", approaches favourable stimuli, incorporates and eats "with greed" a right object. If it were as big as a dog, says Jennings, one of the best experts of protozoa, one would not hesitate to attribute to it a subjective experience».

   Hence, the amoebas are capable of reasoning, of logical inferences. If they perceive the presence of food, then they direct themselves in the direction of the nutrition; if the ambiance is hostile, then they go away. Unfortunately, for it, however amoeba is not big like a dog and hence its apparent intelligence is only a mechanical question. This, as Lorenz explains us, is due to the different capacity of the ectoplasm to react selectively to two different categories of stimuli.

   In the same chapter, Lorenz writes: «It seems that we do not know of a unicellular capable of locomotion but without orientation in space», and that the paramecium inside a “suspended drop” gives phobic reactions. It is not clear how all this can be explained as a reaction caused by a stimulus.

   However, Jennigs has also carried out an experiment which concerns the Stentor, which Lorenz has not retained to take into consideration but Rupert Sheldrake reports in “Le illusioni della scienza”2013: « Each Stentor is a trumpet-shaped cell, covered with thin vibrating hairs, called eyelashes. […] These cells are fixed at their base thanks to a “foot” and a tube similar to mucus surrounds the inferior part of the cell. If the surface to which it is fixed is lightly shaken, Stentor shrinks rapidly to the inside of the tube. If nothing also happens, after a half a minute, it again extends and the cilia take up their activity again. If the stimulus is repeated, the animal does not shrinks any more, but continues its normal activities: this behaviour is not the result of a fatigue, because the cell reacts shrinking if a new stimulus presents, like being touched (H. S. Jennings). The cellular membranes of Stentor are crossed by an electric charge, like the nervous cells. When they are stimulated, a potential of action dilates itself on the surface of the cell, very much like a nervous impulse and this causes the cell to shrink (C. D. Wood). When Stentor gets used to it, the receptors on the cellular membrane become less sensitive to the mechanical stimulation and the action potential does not go off (C. D. Wood). As the Stentor is formed of a unique cell, its memory cannot be explained in function of changes in the nervous terminations, or synapsis, because it does not have any».

   This sort of behaviour is called habituation, that is familiarization to the stimuli and it is present in animals and also in humans and is associated with the mind. If a person goes to live near a railway or near a street with much traffic, at the beginning he is disturbed but later he gets used to it and  doesn't notice it anymore. It is a fundamental form of memory because it permits us to adapt to the ambiance.

In other words, Stentor remembers, Stentor has a memory.

   Hence we find ourselves face to face with unicellular organisms which are able to orient themselves in space, have reasoning, scopes, intentions, will power, desires, memories, behaviour “apparently” intelligent, that is a basic equipment of cognition, concept typical of our mind; unicellular organisms which know how to look after themselves. A cognitive baggage much more simplified than that of plants or animals, but it is what they need for their survival.

   In “La felicità della ricerca”2013, Shimon Edelmann, after having argued on the idea that cognition is calculus, writes: «Among the most synthetic descriptions of the nature of the human mind, the one I prefer is that of Marvin Minsk, mathematician and informatics: “Mind is that which does the brain”. Having given a look at the principals of that which is mind (a bunch of calculations at the service of the prevision) and that which makes the brain (execute those calculations), we can appreciate the word of Minsk, but we can also make present that it gives an interpretation very fascinating: if that which the brain does can be done with other means, then can exist a mind also without the need of brain. To reconcile ourselves with this tremendous affirmation, but true, […]». Further ahead: «Because the same calculations can be done with different means, the existence of minds not biological is a concrete possibility».

   Hence, we are in front of an incredible paradox: we are disposed to give to our manufactures the capacity of having a mind but we refuse to give a mind not only to unicellular organisms but also to plants. No computer can ever equal the capacities of a Stentor, but this last is considered an insignificant microorganism whereas the computer has the status of “electronic brain”. Yet, these organisms have reasoning, scopes, intentions, will power, desires, memories, behaviour “apparently” intelligent, that is a basic equipment of cognition, concept typical of our mind that no computer owns.

  And then, paraphrasing Shimon Edelmann: if what the brain does can be done by other means, then eukaryotic single-celled organisms and all multicellular organisms, which are not equipped with a brain, have a mind.

In the scene of life, mind appears even without the necessity of a brain.

The brain is just one of the ways the mind can appear.

   Hence, going from the unicellular organisms eukaryotic, and then to the pluricellulaires up to the superior organisms (in the sense of more complex), like plants and animals it seems that there is no life without basic cognitive equipment, there is no survival without a mind.

To everyone its mind.


12.2 The mind in bacteria


So the mind is already present in multicellular and single-celled eukaryotic organisms, and in simpler organisms?

   The eukaryotic cell has a very complex structure. Inside it, it contains a nucleus, where can be found the genetic material associated with proteins. The eukaryotic cell also contains some thousand organelles mainly of two different types like peroxisomes and mitochondria and, in the vegetal cell also the chloroplasts. The structure of the cell is maintained by a complex structure of microtubules.

   There exist cells much more simple than the eukaryote: the prokaryotes.    The prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus and the genetic material is in direct contact with the rest of cell. They do not contain organelles and microtubules and their cell is much smaller and simple than the eukaryotic cell. The diameter of the prokaryote is about 20 times smaller than the eukaryote, and its volume is 10 000 times smaller. To have a more eloquent image, the eukaryotic cell could contain inside it about 10 000 prokaryotes. The prokaryotes appeared on the earth about 3,5 milliards of years ago, and for about 2 milliards they were dominators undisputed  of the planet.

   The direct descendent of the primitive prokaryotes are today bacteria and cyanobacteria, and it is thought that their organic mass is at least the double of all other living organisms on our planet. Bacteria and cyanobacteria are the smallest living organisms that we know.

Hence, there exist living organisms smaller than Stentor: bacteria. But how bacteria live, and what is their behaviour?

   Bacteria can be found at the planktonic state that is as independent cells in a watery ambiance, or in the sessile state, where the cells are attached, the one beside the other, on a solid surface where they give origin to colonies.

   We are in August of the long ago 1976, Julius Adler publishes in Le Scienze “La chemiosensibiltà dei batteri”. Adler informs us that already at the beginning of the twentieth century, it was known that bacteria are attracted by nutritive substances and repelled by damaging substances.    And with respect to the swimming behaviour of the bacteria, he presented the studies conducted by Berg and Koshland, and by Koshland and others on Escherichia coli and he writes: «[…]The final result is that the bacteria thickens close to the source of the recall substance, and far from that of the repellent substance.[…] these effects on the movements of the bacteria are determined not only by a spatial gradient (for example a higher concentration of the recall substance on the right part with respect to the left), but also by temporal gradients (for example a higher concentration administered a second afterwards)».

   Adler who in 1969 had already discovered the chemosensory of bacteria, studying bacteria in the plankton state (that is as independent cells in a watering ambiance), in conclusion writes: «In the end, if we enter into the field of the bacterial “psychology”, we put in the presence of bacteria a capillary tube containing not only a recall substance, but also a substance which repels. In this way the bacteria could choose if they would enter or not into the capillary. Their “decision” is dependent on the concentrations with respect to the substance of attracting and that of repelling. The mechanism which permits “taking a decision” in a situation of “conflict” like this one it is  still unknown, but one can say that bacteria are able, in a way, to integrate  multiple sensorial stimuli. […]. In the same way, bacteria are attracted by heat, but not if the warm solution contains a fairly strong repellent. In these cases, the bacteria must integrate, or elaborate, two sensorial information: the temperature and the chemical substance. The basic elements, which render possible the behaviour in a superior organism, are hence present also in a single cell of bacteria […]. Obviously there must be important differences; for example, as the bacteria are independent cells, the synaptic action between a cell and another, which is so important in determining the behaviour in the more complex organisms, cannot probably realize itself in them,  at least not on a cellular level».

   We learn in this way that bacteria move between schemes “if…then”, in their own way they have knowledge of space and time, they resolve conflictual situations integrating multiple sensorial stimuli and they elaborate divers sensorial information.

   But all this is already configured as a basic cognitive equipment.

   Adler writes that bacteria are independent cells and synaptic action can cannot be realized between one cell and another. However, as we have said, over the plankton state, these microorganisms can live at the sessile state, where the cells are attached, the ones beside the others, on a solid surface giving origin to colonies.

What is, in the animal world the social group?

  The term, referred to the higher organisms, was invented by Ernst Mayr (quoted work): «[…] the group which has success behaves like an all-one and is, in its unity, the favourite entity of selection». The earth squirrels, for example, dispose of a system of sentinels, which in the presence of predators, they emit signals and warn all the other members of the group of a nearby danger. Therefore, one is in the presence of a social group when one has interaction between its components, subdivision of work, cooperation and hence communicative capacity.

What is the behaviour of the bacteria at sessile state?

   Between 1970 and 2000, communication in bacteria was discovered and studied. As Richard Losick and Dale Kaiser report in “La comunicazione nei batteri”1997: «[…]it was mainly believed that the single members of a colony were essentially rigid individualists, dedicated to themselves and not very communicative to they similar. Today instead it seems that the greater part of the bacteria, if not all, communicate with their neighbours». But not only this, as the authors inform us, bacteria “converse” also with plants and animals, emitting chemical signals and reacting to them. It should be remembered that according to Enrico Bellone (quoted work): «It is hardly refutable, now for decades, that living organisms are capable of communicating one with another, and that communicative ability require forms of intelligence».

   On the sessile state, from the middle of the ‘90’s, new knowledge was added, which has changed the opinion of many biologists on bacteria.

   As J. W. Casterton and Philp S. Stewart expose in “Combattere i Biofilm” Le Scienze 2001, the study of bacteria begins at the end of the 19th century when the theory of the germ of Robert Koch was declared valid. According to the authors the researches worked out for a century in all the laboratories in the world, they were based on presumptions not completely exact, because bacteria were imagined like separate cells. That is, it was thought that bacteria led a free and independent life, even if inside colonies. In addition, the authors write: « But this image was related to the way researchers usually examine microorganisms: by looking at cells under a microscope in culture suspended in a small drop of liquid. It is an easy process from an operative point of view, but not on the whole appropriate, because these experimental conditions do not correspond at all to those of the environment in which microorganisms effectively find themselves living». In other world around the middle of ’90’s, it turned out that if the bacteria are found in laboratory cultures, with the nutrients available, these could live independently or else they organize themselves in colonies attached to solid surface. In natural ambiance, where their survival is threatened, bacteria organize themselves in micro colonies, held together and protected by very complex and resistant film called “Biofilm”. The bacteria that found in laboratory crops rich in nutrition do not give origin to a “Biofilm”.

   As can be deduced from the article cited, this research has shown that the biofilm forms the 2/3 of all the material of the micro-colony and it is traversed by micro canals through which the nutrition passes. Inside the biofilm, in the natural ambiances, the cells communicate, organize all the strategies for their survival and reproduction producing hundreds of proteins that are not found in the cells cultivated in laboratory. It has also been discovered that some bacteria escape from the colonies, staying free for a brief time (planktonic form). These however, through the emission of signal molecules, reunite in another place. When enough cells are united and the molecular signals attain a certain concentration, changes in the activity of some genes have origin and the production of the biofilm starts. This mechanism is called “individuation of quorum” or “quorum sensing”.

   After another five years of research, the mechanism of communication of the bacteria were so complex that a new article on Le Scienze 2005, by Cristina Valsecchi has an emblematic title, “La vita sociale dei batteri”. In this article it is shown how according to the species and the ambiance conditions, the “quorum sensing” regulates the much different functions of the bacteria: the exchange of genetic material, the mobility of the cells, the synthesis of the Biofilm, the production of toxic substances, the communication and the cooperation not only between cells of the same specie but also between bacteria of different species. Cristina Valsecchi reports what one of the greatest experts of biofilm in the world affirms, Roberto Kolter: «[…] in laboratory, cultivated in a test-tube in a favourable ambiance, rich in nourishing substances, the bacteria behave like isolated and independent cells, they do not have any reason to interact. It is in difficult conditions that microorganisms aggregate and make a common front to ensure their own survival and their reproduction. […]Most human pathogens form biofilm in the organism of the hosts infected […]». Moreover, adds the author: «In the biofilm, unicellular microorganisms undergo transformations which bring them to specialize themselves. The colony assumes the characteristics of a multi-cellular organism». And Kolter adds: «Specialization also plays an important role in the development of medicine resistance: the bacteria that form the top layer in a biofilm are the first to be reached by medicines. With appropriate chemical messengers they warn the under strata of microorganisms which have time to activate molecular defences on the membranes of the cells to overcome the attack». Around 2006 various technologies were created to cultivate Biofilm in laboratory. As we are informed by Joe J. Harrison and Raymond J, Turner in “Biofilm” Le Scienze 2006: «One of this uses a rotating disc placed in the culture broth in which has been injected a bacteria colony. The force given by the pressure of the fluid provoked by the rotation stimulates the formation of a Biofilm on disc».

   So, also in laboratory cultivation, as soon as the ambiance becomes hostile, the bacteria give origin to a protective screen, the Biofilm.

   Harrison and Turner admit however that: «To say the truth, not everyone agrees on the fact that the biofilm are the main organisation that bacteria assume in nature. The greatest part of the methods in laboratory now used analyse microorganisms cultivated in a plankton form».

And important results have been obtained also by studying bacteria, in laboratory, in the sessile state.

   Hanna Kuchment in “Il batterio piu’ intelligente”, Le Scienze 2011, reports what Eshel Ben-Jacob affirms on a study of colonies of Paenibacillus vortex made to grow in a capsule of Petri: «When they act together, these microscopic organisms can perceive the ambiance, elaborate information, resolve problems and decide how to thrive in a difficult environment”   And Hanna Engelberg-Kulka and colleagues in “PLoS Biology” (from Le Scienze on line) have discovered that bacteria have two systems of programmed death (Apoptosis). One of these systems depends on the cellular density and it primes in case of alimentary crisis. Such a mechanism determines the death of a sufficient number of bacteria to guarantee to the survivors the necessary primary material.

   Well, the research carried out in the last ten years on bacteria now widely use terms like: communication, cooperation, languages, social behaviour, intelligence, information, altruism; it seems that one is reading articles on “Psicologia contemporanea”. To all this it is necessary to add that the bacteria move according to schemes if…then and they have in their way knowledge of space and time, they resolve conflictual situations and elaborate different sensorial information.

   To be precise, in the planktonic state the bacteria have a basic cognitive equipment. In the sessile state more than presenting a basic cognitive equipment, the bacteria have a behaviour similar to the behaviour of social groups found among animals.

But bacteria do not have a brain!

  Let us start from the facts, with the ascertainment that Bacteria possess concepts typical of our mind also.

   So the question is, what generates in the prokaryotes: reasoning, communication, languages, intelligence, information, altruism, and social behaviour, concept typical of our mind?

   Still paraphrasing Shimon Edelmann: if that which the brain does can be done with other means, then the bacteria, even if they do not have a brain, are gifted with a mind.

In the scene of life, the mind appears without the necessity of brain.

The brain is just one of the ways the mind can appear.

   And then, starting with the bacteria and going on with the unicellular eukaryotes organisms up to the complex organisms like plants and animals, we all use the same logic patterns. It seems that there is not life without a basic cognitive equipment, there is no survival without a mind.  To everyone its mind.


12.3 The appearance of the Mind in the history of life


With reference to the capacity of forming Biofilm Costerton and Steward in (cited article), after having made it clear that only around half of the nineties the strategy of survival of the bacteria in natural ambiance was understood, they write (the underlining is mine): «Looking backward, it is very surprising the fact that it took so much time to decide and consider the way in which the bacteria effectively live. After all, bacterial biofilms are found everywhere: the dental plate, the muddy film on a rock moistened by a creek and the mucilage which appear in a vase of flowers after two or three days, these are some examples particularly familiar». And they affirm: «In fact, the genetic diversity of microorganisms capable of forming similar structures and the enormous variety of ambience which can be invaded by these microorganisms make us think that this capacity must be a very ancient strategy for the proliferation of microorganisms»

But how ancient?

Strong indications, in this direction, we can have them from the study of antique fossils.

   As we have already seen the ambiance was rich in organic substances, one can think that the first forms of life were heterotroph that is microorganisms that nourished themselves on substances that could be found in the ambiance around them. One can also think that these organisms very rapidly gave origin to autotroph organisms that is organisms like the cyanobacteria, which synthesize themselves the substances of nutrition. If this were not so, when the alimentary stores were exhausted, they would be extinct and with them life itself. How quick this apparition has been, that is not known, perhaps a thousand years or a million, but certainly the cyanobacteria, if not really the first, they are very antique organisms and it is thanks to them that life has been able to prosper.

  In a place in Australia called North Pole, which is part of the Pilbara Block, were found, in 1976, stratified structure formed of small granules of limestone and silicates. Such structures called Stromatolites, have been dated and date back to around 3, 5 billion years ago.

 Modern stromatolites can be found at Shark Bay in Australia. In the upper part of these stratified structures live communities of microorganism, which secrete mucilage. In particular, the upper stratus is occupied by cyanobacteria that is autotroph, which procure their food by photosynthesis. The stratus immediately underneath is occupied by sulphobacteria, these also autotroph. Finally, heterotroph anaerobic bacteria, that is bacteria which can live only in the absence of oxygen and feed on substances produced by the autotroph, occupy the last stratus.


 It is believed that the antique Stromatolites, which go back to 3,5 milliards of years ago, were formed from sediments and from the activity of bacterial colonies like the modern ones.

   In the zone of North Pole, in a rocky unity known as the   Apex flint and dated 3,47 milliards of years ago, in 1986 J. William Schopf has discovered the most antique fossils known until today and called “Apex fossils”. Schopf has published the result of his research in 1993.

He has taken and commented his discovery, with a broader view, in an essay, (quoted work). In this essay he writes: «The fossil cells, analysed on the microscope at a high resolution in thin petrographic sections or in residues resistant to acids, often show characteristics of dimension, form, cell structures and aspect of the colony practically the same as those of microorganisms actually alive». And «Unlike the filaments of the Proterozoic, these “float” scattered like raisins in a slice of fruit-cake, in thick masses filiform of that which originally was a mucilage gelatinous. Many prokaryotes and almost all the cyanobacteria secrete mucilage from their cells, but the Apex community is the only one known in which microorganisms lived included in such voluminous masses. Since it is the only microbic community known in rocks so antique, it is impossible to say if the secretion of abundant mucilage was typical». With reference to the ambient scene, he writes: «Because the distance Earth-Moon was less, the Earth rotated more rapidly, the days were shorter, the tides more strong and the storm also. The heavens were of a foggy steel grey, obscured by sand storms, volcanic clouds and subtle rests of rocks lifted by the bombardment of meteors. […] Because of the almost total absence of free oxygen, the atmospheric ozone (O3), capable of absorbing the ultraviolet rays, was still scarce, and the surface of the Earth was immersed in an ultraviolet light, mortal to the first form of life. The organisms yet had to learn to face this hostile ambiance […] » This mucilage according to Schopf: «[…] has had a part in helping the first microorganisms in evolution to face an ambiance hard and inhospitable».

   Hence, 3,5 milliards of years ago the first organisms produced mucilage, that is Biofilm. But the production of Biofilm is active by the “Quorum sensing” which, as we have seen, regulates the most different functions of the bacteria: the exchange of genetic material, the mobility of the cells, the synthesis of biofilm, the production of toxic substances, communication and cooperation not only between the same species but also between bacteria of different species.

   Hence the microorganism, already 3,5 milliards of years ago, lived like bacteria live today, and in fact Schopf, with respect to the evolution of bacteria, adds: «In simple words we believe that the cyanobacteria have maintained the status quo, with very little modifications from when they irrupted on the scene milliards of years ago». And he called this type of evolution ipobraditelia.    Hence, he takes up again the opinion already expressed by the famous palaeontologist Elso S. Barghoorn (cited article): «All the organisms whose genetic material is dispersed inside the cell and whose reproduction is not conditioned by the recombination of the genes of the progenitors are genetic conservative. In organisms of this type the rare mutations, instead of being transmitted, when they are useful, are eliminated in a few generations».

   William Schopf moreover with regard to the fossil documentation of the Precambrian, after having shown that these fossils are mainly of a spherical form or with filaments ribbon-like, adds: «The spherical fossils can be found alone, in couples or in colonies made up of some unity, of hundreds or also thousands of cells, and they are often surrounded by one or more strata of a subtle membrane, a residues of capsules of mucilage of revetment».

   So the precursors of bacteria already 3,5 milliards of years ago lived like today bacteria live: in the planktonic state, that is like free cells in a water surrounding; in the sessile state, that is one beside the other forming colonies. And for what regards the ribbon-like filament, after having made it clear that the bacteria are wrapped in a sheathing mucilaginous tubular of wrapping and that often is conserved only the sheathing with a spaghetti form he writes: «[…] One observes that all fossils or almost can re-enter in modern types, and even 40% is not distinguishable from precise living cyanobacteria. All the form of the colonies known in the modern groups are present in the fossils and the tubular fossil sheathing are identical as to form, dimension and structure up to the respective living species».

Schopf's work has been questioned by some researchers, but Schopf has brought more evidence to support his conclusions. On the other hand, the same researchers who raised doubts about Schopf's work have communicated that they too have found microorganisms dating back to 3.4 billion years ago in the town of Apex. To date, there remains only the doubt as to whether all these ancient fossils are truly autotrophic or heterotrophic, (Hazen 2017).

As we have said, modern stromatolites can be found at the Shark Bay in Australia. It is believed that also the antique stromatolites were formed from sediments and from the activity of bacteria colonies like the modern ones.

Schopf illustrates the formation of the stromatolites: «If however the conditions change, for example, if spring rain floods the growth surface and covers it with mud, the cyanobacteria react. The most important imperative for all living beings is to stay in life and to succeed, the cyanobacteria need solar light. For this reason, if a layer of mud blocks the solar rays, the filament types get rid of their revetment mucilaginous and slide towards the upper part through the sediments to find once again a surface exposed to the sun, which afterwards they rapidly colonize.

The photosynthetic bacteria of the under felt which are also in need of solar light, follow the example freeing of their turn a space, immediately occupied by the anaerobic which come up from below to feed on whatever organic material is abandoned».

Hence, the imperative for all living beings is to stay in life and to succeed in this they move between schemes: if…then.

   To conclude the fossil documentation gives us strong indications that for 3,5 milliards of years ago the life of the bacteria remained almost unchanged. Already at the dawn of life, these, according to the ambient conditions, lived either in the planktonic state or in the sessile state. The mucilage today called Biofilm, was already present 3,5 milliards of years ago. And if the Biofilm was already present in such organisms, then was already active the “Quorum Sensing”.

One can hence presume that the prokaryotes were, already at their origin, in possession of: reasoning, communication, languages, social behaviour, intelligence, information, altruism, which is ultimately a mind.

As we have shown, it is to be held that the organic mass of bacteria and cyanobacteria is, today, double the mass of all the other living organisms in our planet.

And then it is hence to presume that only the possession of the characteristics mentioned above, only the possession of a mind, has enabled the primitive cells, which appeared 3,5 milliards of years ago, to dominate the world for the first 2 milliards of years and to be still today protagonists of life in our planet.

And if life, as we believe, had its beginning with the prokaryotes, then:

Once life appears, the mind appears.


12.4 But where does the mind emerge from?


In the ´70s, as affirmed by the psychologist Richard Gregory “La mente nella scienza” 1985. R. Mark proposed a chemical theory that hypothesized the existence of "memory molecules". But as writes Nicolas Humphrey, a scientific psychologist, as he himself defines, in “Polvere d’anima” 2013: «The psychologist Walter Mischel has ironically observed: “Psychologists treat other people`s theories as tooth brushes. No-one with a minimum of dignity would use that of another”. And the philosophers tend to be even more parsimonious».

   We have already written that the word Mind means: memory, direction of intellectual and practical processes, conscience. These concepts, which define Mind, we have seen them, certainly in a simple way, not only in the pluricellular organisms but also in unicellular organisms. The examples, which have been reported, are only some of the hundreds of publications, which show how typical concepts of our mind are in possession of all living organisms.

But in the unicellular organisms, from where does the mind emerge and when, that is, in what circumstances?

   All composed substances can be divided in organic and inorganic compounds. The organic compounds are about 1,5 Million; they all contain at least one atom of carbon and are derived from living organisms or from artificial synthesis.

   The inorganic compounds are about 150000. Even if they include the carbonate rocks, these compounds are constituted essentially of all the other natural elements, with the exclusion of carbon. Of all the inorganic compounds known, only about thousand, the minerals can be found in nature as constituents of the Earth’s surface.  The minerals are to be found essentially in the crystalline state, where the particles (atoms, molecules or atomic groups) have a spatial disposition perfectly regular and rigorously geometrical. The crystals can give origin to splendid and complex geometric structures or aggregates where the most various colours shine, but as we have already illustrated, inorganic matter is inanimate.

   As living organisms are made up essentially of organic substances, life and mind are properties, which emerge only from organic matter.

   We have seen how an equipment of basic knowledge, that is mind, is in possession of all living organisms, included the bacteria, which are the smallest living organisms. However, there exist organisms smaller than bacteria: virus.

   The virus are made up of a proteic involucre called capsid. Inside this involucre is contained a molecule of nucleic acid, their genetic patrimony. As they do not have a cellular apparatus, they cannot reproduce and hence they are not considered living organisms.

But do virus present concepts typical of mind? Can we affirm that virus present a basic knowledge equipment?

   Dorothy Crawford microbiologist, one of the most important experts of virus, in an essay, (quoted work), 2002, writes: «Intelligent, clever, ingenious; these are only a few of the adjectives usually used for viruses, and apparently they describe them well. […] Moreover, they seem capable of planning a strategy of attack and survival, but this would mean giving for certain that they are able to think. Yet viruses have no brain, and so they are unable to control their destiny. How can an organism so small and simple be so “intelligent”?»  But Dorothy Crawford, after having briefly examined the bacteria, further on adds: «Contrary to bacteria the virus can do nothing by themselves. They are not cell but particles, and they do not have a source of energy nor any of the cellular apparatus necessary to produce proteins. Each of them is made up simply of genetic material surrounded by a protective proteic shell, called capsid. […] But to succeed in using it, they must penetrate in a living cell and assume its control. […] In this way the virus invade living beings, they take possession of cells, and transform them in fabrics for the production of viruses». Moreover, as Crawford inform us again, outside the host cell, the viruses cannot survive long because they not dispose of the metabolic processes of cell.

   Hence, it is not enough for virus to be in possession of nucleic acid. These present concepts typical of our mind only when they take possession of a cell. This means that the basic knowledge equipment has its seat in the cell. However, it also means that the mind does not emerge directly from the genetic patrimony.

Homeostasis or regulatory circuit

   Konrad Lorenz in (quoted work), first of all makes a distinction between information acquisition by the genome and learning. He dwells on a third category of processes, which serve to acquire information but do not absorb it: «The simplest form of acquiring information momentarily is the regularizing circuit or homeostasis. Such a mechanism permits for the living beings to find once more and to maintain their equilibrium after a disturbance. If an animal who lacks oxygen breaths more rapidly or in the presence of excessive food, temporarily stop eating, this means that the organism is not only informed about the need for certain substances, but also about the "market situation" that exists in its environment with reference to this substance.. The structure of the programmed regularization circuit in the genome makes it possible to maintain a certain "normal value" in the organism. The regularizing circuit or homeostasis in the field of the living is practically omnipresent and it is unimaginable a life without this function. One could think that it appeared at the same time as life, unless the first vital processes did not appear in an ambiance of such a high constancy (not imaginable) rendering superfluous to keep count the momentary information».

   But the ambiance as it is described by Shopf, 3, 5 milliard of years ago, when life had its origin, was not all constant, it was an infernal ambience. Hence, the homeostasis appeared at the same time as life.

   On homeostasis works also Freeman J. Dyson in (quoted work) 2002, where he writes: «The essential characteristic of living beings is homeostasis. That is the capacity of maintaining a uniform chemical equilibrium and more or less constant in a changing ambiance. The homeostasis is this complex of chemical controls and of cycles of retroaction, which enables every molecular species, inside the cell, to be produced in the right proportion: not too much and not too little. Without homeostasis there could not be neither an ordered metabolism nor an equilibrium almost stationary, nothing which could deserve the name of life».

   The neuro scientist Antonio Damasio in (quote work), defines the homeostasis, present in all living organisms, like all the operations of management to procure the sources of energy, incorporate them, transform them and eliminate the residues: «It aims at maintaining the chemical parameters of the organism (the internal milieu) between that magic interval compatible with the life of cell itself».

   And Christian de Duve, with reference to the cellular body of the neuron (quoted work) 1995, writes: «The body of the cell occupies itself with all the functions necessary to the life of the cell itself: it is the unity chosen at the same time to furnish energy and to occupy itself of the maintenance and of the reparations».

   As exposed above, the homeostasis remain on the other hand a question internal to the cell, in the sense that the metabolism controls and maintains the right parameters, and the genome repairs the damage of the metabolism. It does not have any direct interaction with the external ambiance, it does not elaborate information. The homeostasis or regularizing circuit cannot be the place where the mind emerges.

   Hence, the mind, as we have seen analysing the behaviour of the viruses, does not emerge from nucleic acid, that is from genetic patrimony, but neither from the homeostasis.

But then, in the cell, where does the mind emerge?

   Before giving an answer to this question, we must clear up another question. The mind in our species emerges from the brain, which is made up of nervous cells or neurons. But concepts typical of our mind we have found them also in bacteria.

And then, how different are the neurons from the other cells and in particular from the unicellular?

   The neurons are made up of a cellular body from which goes out a prolongation called axon, through which they transmit signals to the other cells. From the cellular body take leave also the prolongation called dendrites, through which the neurons receive signals from the other nervous cells. The brain of monkeys, of hens, is also made up of neurons and neurons can be found in worms.

Neurons seem, at first sight different from all the other cells. But how much different?

   With reference to the data of comparative anatomy, Aurelio Bairati, in “Compendio di anatomia umana”, 1975, faces the problem of the delimitation and recognition of the most simple nervous elements in the lowest phyla. In particular, he asks himself if one should consider as nervous elements the cells muscle epithelium of the low metazoan, capable of gathering stimuli at the body’s surface and manifesting phenomena of contraction; or consider as primitive nervous elements, the modified epithelial elements, of coating, linked to contractile elements capable of collecting environmental variations, that is peripheral receptive cells. And he adds: «Unfortunately studies at this level are spoiled by the fact of often not wanting to take account that all the cellular elements, even on a small base, are capable of manifesting phenomenon classifiable as nervous. We must in fact remember that one of the properties of living matter and of the cellular state is irritability, that is the capacity to respond immediately to stimuli, […]».

   Alessandro Minelli in “Forme del divenire. Evo Devo: “la biologia evoluzionistica dello sviluppo”, 2007, writes: «The cases in which our classifications go in crisis are not rare. And to come out without being too subtle we content ourselves with creating new hybrid classes, as in the case of the myoepithelial cells (a bit muscular fibres, a bit revetment cells) or of those neuro epithelial (a bit revetment cell, a bit neuron) which we find in the body of the hydra and the other cnidarians». And after clarifying that evolution does not only involve organs and systems, he adds: «Moreover many significant turns in the story of evolution really depended on changes in the properties and in the functions of the single cell: for example in their capacity of remaining sticking the ones against the others – a fundamental property in passing from the condition unicellular to the pluricellular – or its getting longer in answer to definite stimuli, as can be observed both in the hyphae of mushrooms as in neurons of animals and in the vegetative apices of green plants».

   Christian de Duve in (quoted work), 1995 in the chapter dedicated to the brain with reference to the neurons writes: «Subtle extroflessions filamentous form the parts receiving and transmitting. […] The neurite or axon […] and the dendrites. […] The emission of extroflessions is a general property of the eukaryote cell. Such processes, or pseudopods (in Greek), which carry out functions in the perception, in the capture of nourishment or in the locomotion, usually have an ephemeral existence and are retired immediately after having been emitted. In these reversible phenomena, they play an important role mounting and dismounting of microtubules. We can affirm that a neuron had its origin for the first time when such extroflessions became stable – when the evanescent micro tubules transformed themselves in microtubules stable – and they polarized themselves in receptionist and transmitters unidirectional».

  Gary Marcus also dealt with the difference between normal cells and neurons. In reference to neurons, he writes (cited work): «Even if the external aspect and its special aptitude in calculation and in communication at a long distance make them seem different from the greater part of the other cells, underneath it all, what they do is the same as what the other cells do. Their cellular body (called soma) contains the variety of particles (called organelles) as a cell of the skin or the liver: mitochondria to produce energy, establishments for the synthesis of proteins called “endoplasmic reticulum”, membranes to keep invaders out and nuclei to contain the DNA. A neuron whatever, in fact, begins its life as an epithelial cell and, if it were not for a few chemical indications, could just as well finish on the outside just like a cell of the skin. Many of the most spectacular specializations of the neuron are only variations on normal cellular themes. For example, the neuron has more mitochondria than usual in such a way as to satisfy the high request of energy. Also the long subtle axons are not something completely new: the proteins of the cytoskeleton fibrous on which the structure of the axons and the microtubules bases itself, like conducts, which they use to transport material, they can both be found practically in every cell. The neurons, cells characteristic of the brain, are special, but not more so than the other almost 210 types of cell of the human body». Marcus, after having made it clear that in the animal world the genes over and above the development of the brain influence the development of the mind, he writes. «Many genes and proteins which take part in the construction of the brain have stories which go back to a time very much before that in which the branch of the primates bifurcated from that of the other mammals; of some of them one can even follow the traces backwards to the bacteria».

  Definitely, from the point of view biochemical and physiological, all the cells, including the unicellular, manifest nervous phenomena and the capacity of communicating and elaborating information. About 600 millions of years ago, during the cellular division, we do not know why, the cells, instead of separating, stayed together giving origin to the pluricellular organisms. At this point, it became necessary to coordinate the nerve manifestations, communication and information processing of the individual cells.

 Initially they originated cells, as can be observed also today in the lowest phyla, where the neuron function was superposed, in the same cell, on other functions, like covering. During the evolution process of the pluricellular organisms, some cells have evolved into neurons increasing and coordinating nerve functions, and liberating at the same time all the other cells of this task. Hence, the basic elements which characterize the neurons are, at an elementary level, already present in all the cellular elements. Then the mind, which characterizes the neurons and our brain, comes in reality from a long evolution process of a bases cognitive equipment already in the possession of all living organisms.

   The brain, seat of the mind, is an interface where is elaborated information which comes from the inside of the body and from the external environment.

But what structure in the cell is, like the brain, the interface between the inside and the external environment?

The cellular membrane.

   The cellular membrane or plasmatic membrane is made up of a skeleton of phospholipid. It defines the boundaries of the cell and separates the inside of the cell, the cytoplasm, from the external environment.    Anchored to the cellular membrane, one finds enzymatic protein and hence it also carries out a catalytic function. Moreover, engrained in the membrane one can find protein biosensors and protein channels through which the cell controls that which must enter and that which must go out. Proteins constitute 50-75% of the substances present in the membrane. As exposed by Romano Viviani in “Elementi di biochimica” 1984, (Significato biochimico dei fosfolipidi, pag. 239); the phospholipid accomplish important functions which concern the activity of the enzymatic proteins and of transport present in the membranes. In particular: «[…] it has been demonstrated a specific role of the phospholipid with allosteric effects, transporters of reagent and activators of the substrata».

Therefore, all the components of the cellular membrane are in continuous and active cooperation and coordinate their activities.

   Moreover, as Pietro Amodeo informs us in “Anatomia comparata ed evoluzione della cellula” Le Scienze Quaderni n.7, 1983 with reference to the bacteria cell: «The plasmatic membrane carries out different and essential functions: it regulates the flux of nutrition and hence the growth and cellular reproduction; it regulates the flux of ions and hence the excitability; it supports many enzymes and enzymatic apparatus and it is hence the principal seat of metabolism; it is the seat of flux of protons for the refurnishing of the energy, and in the end it furnishes the places of anchorage for the chromosome, for a part of ribosomes and for the flagella, if these little organelles are present. This list is enough to convince that the plasmatic membrane is the dynamic centre of the cellular life»

   Even if in the unicellular eukaryotes (cells that have a nucleus) some of these functions are transferred in the interior of the cell, the plasmatic membrane remains however, the dynamic centre of the cellular life, where the proteins have a determinate role.

   The study of the functioning of the proteins begins with the theory of the key and lock elaborated by Emil Fisher for enzymes. At that time, it was thought that the enzymes had a rigid structure. Later studies have made it evident that enzymes present a certain modulation, they are flexible in the sense that their structure remoulades adapting to the substratum to be catalysed. Moreover, allosteric molecules can modify the structure of the enzyme, that is molecules that bind to specific sites and the enzyme takes on a new conformation.

   The modulation is not a characteristic only of enzymatic protein but it concerns all the globular proteins and hence also the protein biosensors and protein channels contained in the cellular membrane.

   Russell F. Doolittle in “Le proteine” Le Scienze 1985, informs us: «A typical globular protein contains about 350 amino acids which could fold in innumerable ways, […]. In a certain sense it is extraordinary that a random protein constantly assumes a single conformation well defined; the folded condition has in fact a free energy inferior to whatever alternative configuration, but the difference is small».

   Rupert Sheldrake (quoted work), quotes Christian Anfinsen, Nobel Prize for the refolding of the proteins: « […] if the single residues of a polypeptide chain could have only two states, an estimation roughly by defect, conformations generated in a casual way would be 1045 for a chain of 150 residue amino acids (even if, obviously, the greater part would be impossible from a steric point of view)».

Even if the greater part of the conformations were impossible, in a single enzymatic protein, however an enormous number of conformations at low energy would remain, perhaps billions, where the difference of energy, between the various conformations, is small. A slight change in the surrounding ambience is enough to make a protein pass from one conformation to another.

Around the ´80s, it was made clear how some enzymes are, in reality, a grouping of several enzymes. A modification induced in the structure of one of the enzymes leads to changes also in the enzymes associated in a sort of enzymatic “cooperation”.

   Nigel Unwin and Richard Henderson in “La struttura delle proteine delle membrane biologiche” Le Scienze 1984, after having made it clear that the biological membrane are not simple container, but they behave as mediators highly specific between the cell and the surrounding ambience, they write: «The groups of helices and foils probably fuse in compact globular molecules, which vary as dimensions, form and number of polypeptide chains. Many of these molecules can associate on the level of the membrane, creating composite structures. Such a composite structures could be compared to certain hydro soluble enzymes, which consist in many sub unities; these last go through small restructuration “cooperative” in answer to stimuli of a specific nature».

Hence, the memory of specific stimuli is conserved in the conformation of the protein of membrane.

   Daniel E. Koshland Jr, in “Conformazione delle proteine e controllo biologico” Le Scienze Quaderni n.44, 1988, with reference to the flexibility of proteins, writes: «The sensorial receptors which make us able to see, to hear, to taste, to smell, are proteins. The antibodies, which immunize us, are proteins. Recent experiments have demonstrated that it is the capacity of these proteins of changing form by the effect of external influence to furnish the mechanism of control so essential for the living systems». That is, an odour changes the conformation of a protein, when the same odour presents itself the protein recognizes it again.

   But then the proteins conserved in their conformations, the memory of the sensorial stimuli. And Koshland with reference to the entity of the modifications of conformation and of the propagation, writes: «It hence seems that the modification of the conformations induced in the proteins they are not propagated like concentric rings provoked by the fall of a stone in a pool. Rather, it is something similar to a spider's web whose threads are arranged in such a way as to transmit a hit from one end to the opposite end of the net. The hit can be transmitted at a great distance and can change the position of many threads, but an accurate design can guarantee that some threads remain unmoved, whereas others move in an appreciable measure. The protein like the spider web is predisposed to transmit information in a selective way to some regions while leaving others unchanged». And again: «These modifications of form […] are rather like the delicate reactions of a cobweb fabricated with an equilibrium exquisite. The subtle web, which we call protein, can be changed in its form by minute hits, and it is through the repercussions of these hits that the functions can be put into motion or blocked».

   Essentially, the information is transmitted in a selective way and are conserved by changing only some regions. The difference of energy between the new conformation and the preceding one is little. But how we have seen before, the number of conformations, at low energy, it is enormous. This means that the proteins can archive, in their conformations, a great number of information.

   And Koshland continues: «Moreover, it has been suggested recently that a slow change of conformations is at the basis of a certain sort of memory typical of bacterial chemotaxis, that is that phenomenon for which a bacteria, put into a solution of certain chemical substances, moves in answer to a gradient of concentration. A change of this type can have at its counterpart in the nervous system of animals».

Hence, already in 1988 Koshland suggested that memory of bacteria can be contained in the conformation of proteins.

The proteins, in unicellular organisms, could be the “molecules of memory” hypothesized by R. Mark.

   Because these proteins are disseminated in the cellular membrane, it is hence possible that one of the properties fundamental in mind has a seat in the cellular membrane and in particular in the membrane proteins.

Let us sum the above exposed facts.

   All the components of the cellular membrane are in continuous and active cooperation and coordinate their activities. The cellular membrane receives information from the inside of the cell and, through biosensors receives information from the external world; it is therefore a means of communication and data processing. The proteins disseminated in the plasmatic membrane can assume numerous conformations at a low energy with small difference of energy. A stimulus or a change of ambiance can modify the conformation of a protein and conserve its memory. The information are stored in a protein under the form of different conformation, it can hence conserve an enormous quantity of information.

  We could compare the final structure of a protein with the water that comes down from a mountain and collects in a reservoir at the end of the valley after having lost all its potential energy. So let us imagine that from the mountain a stone rotates down and falls in the basin, splashing water on the surface outside of the basin. Slowly the water, energetically instable, goes back to the original basin cancelling every memory of event. But, if the water that splashes is abundant and gives origin to a small puddle, it does not come back. In the new basin, the water has a little energy more but it is energetically stable because it cannot come out of the puddle. It remains there to conserve the memory of event.

   Now, let us imagine a protein of membrane that receives a stimulus and changes its structure. The protein presents, in the new structure, the memory of event. If the new structure is energetically unstable slowly, it returns to its original structure, losing the memory of the stimulus. All of this could also be envisaged as a sort of short-term memory. If however the new structure, which the protein assumes as an effect of the stimulus, is one of the structures stable energetically, it will maintain the new structure and will conserve the memory of the event.

   The plasmatic membrane is really the dynamic centre of the cell and following the suggestion of Kosland, one can advance the hypothesis that the membrane proteins are the seat of the memory.

However, most scientists believe that proteins cannot be the seat of memory because they decompose and, even if after some time they are renewed, their information content has been lost in decomposition. This opinion dates back to an idea by Francis Crick from the mid-60s of the last century. However, after more than half a century this idea should already be overcome.

   Meanwhile, the sensory proteins in the cell membrane are millions. Each protein can take billions of conformations and store billions of information. It is then possible that the information is not stored in a single protein but in hundreds if not in thousands of proteins. If a protein breaks down there are many others to retain information. In addition, recent research has shown that there is a class of proteins called chaperone or chaperonins in cells. To understand how works Mike Williamson (quoted work) use the following metaphor: «In the nineteenth century, a single woman in public was often accompanied by a chaperone, an older or married woman who prevented her friend from engaging in inappropriate contacts with the opposite sex. By analogy, a chaperone protein works by preventing unstructured proteins from engaging in unwanted interactions […]».The chaperonins instead lead the primary structure to the right conformation. They have a barrel shape with a cavity inside where the protein, after assuming the right conformation, is then released. In addition, we have also advanced the hypothesis of the existence, in the proto-organism, of subsets with its own electromagnetic field in synergistic coordination with the internal electromagnetic field and around the proto-organism. If we extend this hypothesis to the cell, we can hypothesize that a metabolic cycle or a group of enzymes constitutes a subset with its own electromagnetic field. If an enzyme from the subset decomposes, the electromagnetic field becomes unstable. When the new enzyme molecule is synthesized, it will then be the electromagnetic field of the subset which, in order to return stable, will impose the right conformation on the new enzyme, restoring all the information that was contained in the previous enzyme.

   Memory is one of the properties that we associate with the mind, but memory alone does not represent the mind. It, as we have described, can be part of a mechanistic process, that is, a complex of chemical interactions and feedback cycles. In living organisms memory, which we associate with the definition of mind, can exist even without the presence of a mind and can act autonomously.

But then, the mind, when does it emerge and from where?

   As we have shown if a bacteria receives at the same time, a stimulus which communicates to it the presence of a repellent and a stimulus which communicates the presence of a nutrition, how can it choose? Because, as Adler writes, the “decision” depends on the concentrations, we indicate with N the nutrient that is the substance of attraction and with R the repellent. The bacteria seems to act in this way: If the concentration of the nutrient is higher than the repellent then go towards the nutrient, that is: if N >R then …. The bacteria resolves a situation of conflict through a logical scheme. If the situation of conflict contains two sensorial information, as a cold solution and an attractive substance, the bacteria must integrate correlated logical schemes. In fact, the bacteria must above all evaluate how cold the solution is, it must afterwards evaluate how it is concentrated, and it must integrate the results and take a “decision”. Ultimately, the bacterium follows the same logical patterns that our mind follows.

   It is known that the proteins in the cell, above executing their function, interact also between themselves. As Carol Ezzel informs as in “Adesso comandano le proteine” Le Scienze 2002, one of the aims of proteinomic is that of defining how the proteins organize themselves in webs like electric circuits. It would hence make the hypothesis that all the proteins of the plasmatic membrane organize themselves in specific webs that interact between themselves and with all the components of the cellular membrane. We have made the hypothesis that the sensorial proteins contain the memory of the event. When the web of sensorial proteins receives stimuli in contrast, the mind emerges which recuperates the information contained in the memory and it chooses according to logical schemes if…then. The choice creates a counter reaction to the complex of the protein webs of the membrane and of the final reaction of the organism.

   These logical schemes typical of our mind emerge when the bacteria finds itself in a situation of conflict. But if a bacterium uses the same logical patterns as all living organisms then in all living organisms the mind emerges only when a conflict situation arises, when the living organism is faced with a problem. But the logical choices are not always the right ones and then: if the choice is the right one, it saves the organism's life; if the choice is wrong, the organism loses its life but saves the life from extinction.

   If there is no conflict, in all living organisms the mind does not emerge, but the memory is always present and this is enough for the survival of the organisms.

   In conclusion, in the unicellular organisms, the plasmatic membrane is an interface between the inside and the outside of the cell and it carries out, at a very elementary level, the same function, as does the brain in the pluricellular complex organisms.

   Ultimately, all living organisms, even if they do not have a brain, possess a basic cognitive equipment for survival, that is, they possess a mind that emerges from the protein networks of the plasma membrane when a conflict situation arises.

   This idea begins to make its way also among the neuro-scientists. Antonio Damasio (quoted work) attributes to the single cell concepts of desires, wills, intentions and purposes that we associate with the human mind. Shimon Edelman (quoted work) goes further by saying that yeast cells, for procreation, to identify the partner, develop a projection and are driven by a simple mind.

    But, as we have already seen, life originated with prokaryotes, 3.5 billion years ago. These microorganisms at that time were already in possession of: reasoning, communication, languages, social behaviour, intelligence, information, altruism, and they used logical schemes that is ultimately the possession of a mind.

Ultimately once life appears, the mind appears.

So let us try to guess what happened at the dawn of life.

   Let's imagine two proto-cells just emerging from their respective cavities with their membrane containing a rudimentary surface protein network. The latter collect the data of the terrible conditions of the primordial earth, where chaos was the absolute master of the environment. Moreover, in a chaotic environment salinity, pH, temperature, the presence of harmful substances and other parameters change continuously and homeostasis receives contradictory information.

In these chaotic conditions, the two proto-cells find themselves in a situation of conflict: change or resist chaos. For the survival of the proto-cell, this conflict can be solved with logical schemes, that is, with the emergence of the mind. The first proto-cell decides to resist chaos, but no trace remains of it. The second proto-cell decides to change, even without knowing the final outcome, and the proto-cell begins the cell division.

Therefore, the mind appears with the first cells and is responsible for cell division.


 12.5 But what is the mind really?


A naive hypothesis.

We have written above, that it was the membrane proteins, even if rudimentary, that informed homeostasis of the chaotic and lethal conditions of the external environment and pushed for change. The proto-cell through homeostasis increases its mass, and does so in the only way it knows how to: to build structures and produce entropy.

What should we intend by the term informing homeostasis and "pushing for change" that has resulted in cellular duplication?

   Let us start from the definition of homeostasis. Homeostasis is a chemical physical process of self-regulation, defined as the response of the internal electromagnetic field and around the entity with respect to changes in the external environment and the internal medium.    Homeostasis, through chemical reactions and feedback cycles, tends to preserve the balance of the proto-organism.

   We have assumed that within the proto-organism, which with membrane becomes proto-cell, sub-sets operate, each with its own electromagnetic field and a sub-homeostasis. So, let us imagine that within a sub-set a protein decomposes. As a consequence of this decomposition, the sub-set is no longer in equilibrium and has a different electromagnetic field. The latter pushes the electromagnetic field of the DNA-protein sub-set to express the specific gene, i.e. the RNA for the decomposed protein. The electromagnetic field of the synthesized RNA drives the electromagnetic field of the sub-set tRNA-Ribosome that synthesizes the protein. The synthesized protein falls into the previous state and its electromagnetic field returns it to equilibrium. We are in the presence, therefore, of a domino effect, of a network of interdependent sub-set whose electromagnetic fields self-regulate, necessarily in synergistic coordination with the electromagnetic field of the proto-cell that regulates the balance of the whole.

   Therefore, to activate chemical reactions and feedback cycles, i.e.  homeostasis, are variations of electromagnetic fields. Then, if at a certain moment the homeostasis activates a specific gene for the synthesis of proteins for cell division, it means that it has received an electromagnetic signal. But, if we said that it was the emergence of the mind that caused  cell division, then the mind is an electromagnetic field.

How does this electromagnetic field originate?

   As we saw, all the components of the proto-cell were kept inside a membrane linked to the electromagnetic field around the proto-organism, proto-field, whose asymmetric heads are represented by rounds.

Surface proteins, with rudimentary receptors that sink inside the proto-cell and outside the membrane in the surrounding environment, are represented by enlarged half-lines. If we imagine that the system is in equilibrium, the field around the proto-organism must, logically, present its homogeneity.

   Therefore, membrane proteins are immersed in the membrane. Each of these proteins, as a consequence of the bonds of its atoms, has its own electromagnetic field specific to its conformation. The part of the membrane protein immersed in the external environment, that is, the heads of the proteins, collect data on environmental conditions. Due to the fact the environmental conditions were chaotic, the data collected by a single protein were certainly different and conflicting from those collected from other proteins. Transferring the data of each individual protein directly to homeostasis would have had no influence because it cannot react to contradictory data. Thus, the data collected by a single protein, before being transmitted inside the cell, to homeostasis, must be integrated with the data collected by all the numerous membrane proteins and processed. This leads to the conclusion that membrane proteins must necessarily be contained in a protein network. Since each protein has its own electromagnetic field, the proteins heads and tails of the whole protein network probably give rise to an external and an internal electromagnetic fields, located at a molecular distance from the membrane. These fields are initially uneven. The external electromagnetic field integrates and processes the environmental data collected by the membrane protein network, assumes its homogeneity and through the body of proteins immersed in the membrane it synchronizes the protein tails. As the protein tails are synchronized, the internal electromagnetic field also becomes homogeneous. Only two possibilities are opened here: 

the internal homogeneous electromagnetic field is congruent with the proto-field.

 The internal homogeneous electromagnetic field is incongruent with the proto-field.


 Then we return to the two proto-cells. If more than half of the data collected brings the external electromagnetic field and the internal field to be congruent with the proto-field, then no change takes place and of the protocell no trace left. If more than half of the data collected brings the external electromagnetic field and the internal field to be incongruent with the proto-field then the proto-cell will be driven to change and cell division begins. And if data processing oscillates back and forth around 50%, how does the mind choose? Then the decision will be left to chance or, since we are within the mind, if you want, to free will.

But what does it mean to integrate and process data?

   It means to count (in the sense that each collision changes the conformation of a protein and then adds something to the existing electromagnetic field), evaluate the relative intensities of the parameters (temperature, pH, etc.), evaluate how much a substance can be useful or harmful and finally add them to give an answer.

Who processes this data in humans? The mind

Then, the external electromagnetic field generated by the membrane protein network and located at a molecular distance from the membrane, is probably the seat of the mind in cells; it emerges from the body and acts on the body.

   And if in all higher brainless living organisms, the mind was a global electromagnetic field generated by the electromagnetic fields of individual cells?

   And if in organisms equipped whit brain the mind was the global electromagnetic field generated by the electromagnetic fields of individual neurons? But if in all living organisms the mind is of the same nature, i.e. an electromagnetic field, then it is possible to communicate between different organisms. By the way, maybe even plants suffer from loneliness and depression, have you tried talking to plants?

   The mind appears with the first cells and affects reproduction for the survival of the organisms in a world dominated by chaos; it appears to protect organisms from the second priciple of thermodynamics.

   All living organisms must collect data from the external environment, data that the mind continually processes. That is, all living organisms must always be aware of the world around them.

   In summary, distract yourself, be superficial, postpone problems for too long, lose awareness of the world around you and the second principle of thermodynamics will come into action; chaos will overwhelm you.

   But, if for a whole series of circumstances you find yourself trapped in chaos, do not give up and always remember that, in spite himself, chaos alternates with moments of quiet or if you want it generates niches of order. Get inside it, you will have time to think about how to get out of it.

Yeah, a naive hypothesis, but how much is it naive?

How does an idea move the matter?  What exactly is awareness and how does it interact with the matter of the brain to make our legs arms or tongue move?

   These are the questions that asked by Jim Al-Khalili and Johnjoe McFadden in "La fisica della vita" 2015 in the chapter: The mind. They analyzed the mechanics of thinking, from sensory stimuli to nerves to muscles, and pointed out how the logical gates of a computer are quite similar to neurons. So they wondered why computers on complex networks, such as the web, do not give signs of awareness. Perhaps the web has not reached the complexity of the "interconnections" of the brain cells, or is consciousness based on a different type of computer science?

   In 1989, the mathematician Roger Penrose proposed the idea that consciousness was a phenomenon of quantum correlation. The authors, after pointing out that this idea is not sustainable, in reference to the ionic channels of the neurons write: «So if correlation cannot link information at a quantum level in ion channels, is there anything else that could do it? Maybe yes. The ion channels regulated by the voltage are sensitive (obviously) to the voltage: it is the one that opens and closes the channels. Voltage is only a measurement of the gradient of an electric field, but the entire volume of the brain is immersed in its electromagnetic field, generated by the electrical activity of all its nerves. This is the field that is detected in every electroencephalogram and a glance at the graphs resulting from these exams will give you an idea of ​​how complex and information-rich it is.

Most neuroscientists have ignored the role that the electromagnetic field could have in brain calculations, because it has always been postulated that it is a bit like the whistle of a train: a product of brain activity, but of no impact on its activity. However, several scientists, including Johnioe, have recently begun to consider the idea that shifting consciousness from discrete particles of matter to the electromagnetic field can solve the problem of connection, and reveal the location of consciousness. [...] In the nineteenth century, James Clark Maxwell discovered that electricity and magnetism are two aspects of the same phenomenon, electromagnetism, so we refer to both as "electromagnetic field". Einstein’s equation E = mc2 with energy at the first member and mass at the second shows, as is well known, that energy and matter are interchangeable. Thus, the electromagnetic field of the brain (the first member of Einstein's equation) is as real as the matter of its neurons; and as it is generated by the activation of neurons, it encodes exactly the same information as the patterns of neuronal activation in the brain. However, while the neuronal information remains trapped in the neurons, the electrical activity generated by their activation encodes all the information in the electromagnetic field of the brain. And this could solve the connection problem. [...]. When theories of consciousness based on the electromagnetic field were first presented at the beginning of this century, there was no direct evidence that the field generated by the brain could influence the patterns of nerve activation to give rise to our thoughts and our actions. However, experiments carried out in different laboratories have recently shown that an external electromagnetic field, of structure and intensity similar to that of the brain, actually manages to influence the activation of the nerves. The field seems to be able to coordinate the activity of the nerves: it synchronizes different neurons, which then activate together. The results of the experiments suggest that the electromagnetic field of the brain, generated by activation of the nerves, influences the activation itself, generating a sort of self-referential circle that many theoreticians consider an essential component of consciousness. The synchronization of the activation of the nerves by the electromagnetic field is very significant, because it is one of the few characteristics of the nervous activity known to be in relation with the consciousness. We all looked for an object that was in plain sight, such as our glasses, and then find it in the midst of a confusion of other things. As we watched that confusion, the visual information that encoded the object travelled to our brain, through our eyes, but somehow we did not see what we were looking for: we were not aware of it. Then, all of a sudden, we see it. What changes in the brain between the moment in which we are not yet aware of the object and the moment in which we are? Strangely, the neural activation itself does not seem different: the same neurons are activated in both cases. But when we do not see the glasses, the neurons are activated asynchronously, and when we become conscious they do it synchronously. The electromagnetic field, which concentrates all those ionic channels coherent in different parts of the brain to activate neurons in a synchronized way, could play a role in this transition between unconscious and conscious thought ».

   Ultimately, within the cavity, to survive, a rudimentary homeostasis was sufficient for the protoorganism. Unfortunately, all this was no longer sufficient when the proto-organism that became proto-cell he found himself in the open field.In the chaos of the primordial earth, to solve survival problems and conflicts generated by chaos, here and now, logical but simple patterns were needed, ultimately the mind; The mind is an electromagnetic phenomenon. Cell duplication and mind are therefore interconnected and have emerged for the survival of organisms in a world dominated by chaos.

Life can begin and with it natural selection.





Appendix 1


Explorations: Different like two drops.




If an antidote exists to the cultural laziness, which, at school like at University destroys at its birth every hope of intellectual development in many fifteen year olds or twenty year olds, who are directed without knowing it to a future of indifference or, worse, to the refusal of the world around them, this antidote is curiosity. That which inspires the search of the solution to a problem which is not compulsory for the lesson, that which induces to stay in the laboratory ten minutes after the end of the lesson, or even only open a book which is not the textbook with the given lesson.

   An institution which gives a prize to young people who see culture and research as the reward of curiosity, rather than scholastic obligation, is the Philips Competition for young European researchers, born in 1968 to encourage young people between 12 and 21 years old – these are the official age limits – to take interest in the exact sciences, without underestimating, as the regulation stipulates, the arts subjects. The prizes distributed every year consist in not much money (two million Lit. to the winner) and perhaps a trip to a foreign country for the international final; but the greatest prize for the participants is surely to know that famous scientists have evaluated and appreciated their work.

   This year the job fell on the engineers Dadda, Carassa and Gatti of Milan Polytechnic, on the physicist Fiorini, on the mathematician Udeschini, on the biologists Betto, Leone and Guerritore, all from Milan University. Furthermore, an important encouragement comes from the newspapers; every participant in the finals is in fact united to a journalist who will write in the newspapers explaining his work, and who will help him to speak and to become known.

   In the sixteen years of life of the prize about 1500 participants have tried their luck in Italy where the competition has the high patronage of the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione and of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. In this year’s edition, fifteen subjects got to the finals, which went from a project of synchronized change of speed for racing bikes, to the digital synthesization of wave forms, to the role of time in private law.

   “FUTURA” has chosen to follow Roberto Vanoni, student of a Como Technical Institute, who, with the collaboration of students Marco Pirovano and Bruno Fusi, and followed by the chemistry teacher Giovanni Occhipinti, has presented a research called «Superficial phenomena between chemical compounds». A research which shows moreover that it is not always necessary to have complicated apparatus to do original research; Vanoni’s instruments in fact, consist in a glass slide and some drops of water or other solvents and of sulphuric, nitric or acetic acid.

   These drops, disposed in a strategic way on the glass slide, behave in a strange manner causing a numerous variety of interactions. For example: using water and sulphuric acid concentrated (substances which are easily mixed), one can see that the drops repel each other instead of uniting. And if the sulphuric acid is surrounded by four drops of water, it tries to escape as best it can insinuating itself in the interstices between one drop and another, still without mixing with the water.

  It is spontaneous to ask oneself why do the drops seek with such tenacity to conserve their identity. One can answer with another question: is it not just as strange that a small portion of liquid chooses just the round and regular form that the drops assume?

   In both cases the phenomenon can be explained if one takes account of the fact that the molecules of the solvent and the ions of the acid dispose themselves at the surface in contact with the glass slide and with air in a different way from what happens inside the liquid, creating particular structures which confer stability to the spherical form and, at the same time, render the surface electrically charged, in such a way that nearby drops are repelled.

   Using water and acetic acid, one can even see the drop of water which, pushed by the acid coming nearer, moves in a real movement of escape even for some centimetre.

   On the whole, many results with little expense; congratulations to Vanoni and his collaborators who have won the second prize (a Million Lit.) and the right to participate in the international finals of Eindhoven, in Holland and congratulations to their chemistry teacher, who has won the special prize destined to the most worthy teacher.


«Futura», 2 (1984), 9, p.87.

                                                                                   ANGELO GAVEZZOTTI



Superficial phenomena near slow collisions between chemical compounds or "chemotaxis of the non-living"




The behaviour of living beings in the presence of chemical substances, or chemo taxis, has been defined as a universal property of living organisms.

   One characteristic of chemo taxis, and the same applies to all stimuli, is the existence of a quantitative disproportion between energy, that is, the forces required to stimulate and obtain response, and the work that is the actual response of the organism to the stimulus in question.

   The study of periodical chemical reactions has made it possible to establish, that their behaviour is rather similar to certain metabolic reactions that take place in biological systems.

   The boundary between the living and the non-living is becoming ever more blurred.

   This present work hopes to make a modest demonstrative contribution to this line of reasoning.






The apparatus needed for the experiments is extremely simple. It comprises:

slides measuring 10cm x 10cm made of ordinary glass;

graph paper of the same size to place under the slides;

a 30cm x 30cm sheet of chipboard on which the graph paper and the slides are kept in position by slats along their sides;

a pipette;

a x 2,5 magnifying glass.




- H2O                  distilled                 (water)

- H2SO4               conc. 97%           (sulphuric acid)

- HNO3                conc. 65%           (nitric acid)

- CH3COOH        pure                     (acetic acid)

- CH3CH2OH       pure                     (ethyl alcohol)

- CH3COCH3          pure                      (acetone)




The experiments must be carried out on surface that is as horizontal as possible.

   Special attention must be paid to cleaning the glass slides. They must be washed with soap and water; if the water does not run properly, then with a chromic mixture. Once the have been well rinsed in distilled water, they are to be dried first with a cotton cloth and then with filter paper, very lightly, so as to eliminate the formation of vapour, which can easily be seen against the light. Furthermore, any energetic rubbing should be avoided, especially with the filter paper, because this can charge the slides and affect the experiments.

   One or two drops of a compound are placed on the middle of the slide and one waits until they spread and stabilize. One or two drops of a second compound are allowed to fall on to the slide at a certain distance from the first drops. This distance given is the distance at which the phenomena being observed can be seen most clearly.

   As the drops of the second compound slowly expand on the glass, they tend to collide with the drops of the first compound.

Observations were made of the phenomena that occur in the proximity of these slow impacts between the different compounds.




   A drop of H2O is allowed to fall on to the slide. At a distance of about 0.5cm from it, a drop of H2SO4 is allowed to fall. The H2SO4 will expand in the shape of a circle and at a gradually diminishing speed. The distance and the speed depend on the size of the drops and, therefore, will have to be fixed case by case. As the H2SO4 expands, it should collide with the drop of the H2O and then react with it, causing an exothermic reaction. In actual fact this only happens if the H2SO4 approaches the H2O at a speed of over about 0.2 cm/s.

   If the speed of expansion of the H2SO4 in the proximity of the H2O is lower than this, it will not collide with the H2O but will stop at a certain distance that can be seen with the naked eye against the light, changing direction. An invisible force stops the H2SO4 expanding in proximity to the H2O, there occurs a reciprocal repulsion. The addition of micro drops of H2SO4 to that already on the slide does not change this situation, as long as they are added extremely cautiously. The H2O will be diverted by the H2SO4, as shown in figure1.

Figure 1


The phenomenon becomes even more evident with a second experiment. One takes a reference square with a 2cm sides on the graph paper, as shown in figure 2a, and a drop of H2O is allowed to fall on to the middle of each of the four sides. A drop of H2SO4 is allowed to fall into the middle of the square.

Figure 2a

The H2SO4 is stopped in the proximity of the H2O. With the further addiction of micro drops of H2SO4 to that already on the slide, the H2SO4 will assume the shape of an irregular square and will then proceed into the only spaces left free, as shown in figure 2b and as the photograph taken during our experiments clearly demonstrates.

Figure 1.2b


As the H2SO4 spreads, it does not collide with the H2O, but is diverted.

   Now what kind of force can be at work among these drops and cause a repulsion effect that can be seen with the naked eye? The explanation can probably be found in electro kinetic potential or Z potential.

   It has been known for some time, that many substances generate contact potential when they come into contact with clay or glass. In particular, when H2O comes into contact with glass a potential is generated that negatively charges the glass. In the H2O the positive charge is diffused right through the mass. The same phenomenon is probably generated when H2SO4 comes into contact with glass. We can, therefore, consider the drops as the bearers of negative charges and when they approach one another, they repel one another and do not eventually touch.

In a second group of experiments, instead of H2SO4 a drop of CH3COOH is allowed to fall at a distance of about 1,5cm from the drop of H2O, and the following phenomenon is observed. The drop of acetic acid spreads rapidly. At a distance of about 0,5cm, the H2O feels the presence of the acetic acid and moves away from the initial position. The subsequent expansion of the acetic acid causes the H2O to move even farther away. This fleeing of the H2O, which can reach a distance of 2-3cm from its original position, continues until all the acetic acid has evaporated. It should be noted that there is no contact at all between the two compounds, as shown in figures 3a and 3b.

 The great difference between this experiment and the first is that in the first, we only observed the compound being diverted. In the second experiment, on the other hand, we observe real and proper flight as the drop of H2O feels the presence of the CH3COOH. This flight goes on for some centimetres and stops only because the acetic acid has completely evaporated.

   After the acetic acid, the same experiment was carried out with CH3CH2OH and CH3COCH3. The results were identical: the H2O retreats as ethyl alcohol and the acetone advance.

   A third group of experiments was carried out, placing concentrated HNO3 on the slide and allowing first CH3COOH, and then CH3CH2OH and CH3COCH3 to fall at distance of 1,5cm from it. The phenomena observed were identical to those seen when H2O was used, the only difference being that the speed of flight of HNO3 was greater than with water, and this is probably due to its lower viscosity.

   A fourth group of experiments was carried out, this time placing H2SO4 on the slide. Its behaviour in the presence of CH3COOH, CH3CH2OH and CH3COCH3 was observed. The dropping distance was again 1,5cm. In this case too, the H2SO4 tended to run away from its original position and its flight speed was slightly lower than that of H2O, probably owing to its viscosity. The only difference between this and the experiments in the second and third groups was with ethyl alcohol. Whereas, in the other cases, the acetic acid, the ethyl alcohol and the acetone spread in the form of a circle, with H2SO4 and CH3CH2OH, one saw the CH3CH2OH being compressed in the direction of the H2SO4, indicating a very powerful reciprocal repulsion at a certain distance, shown in figures 4a and 4b.

Figure 1.4a



A fifth group of experiments repeated the experiments of the second, third and fourth groups but this time, laminated plastic was used as a base instead of glass. None of what happens on glass was observed.

   In the experiments of the second, third and fourth groups, there is probably some form of electro kinetic effect, but the part played by surface tension was decisive, as subsequent experiments were to prove.

   A sixth group of experiments was carried out as follows. Some drops of ethyl alcohol were allowed to run down the walls of a 200cm3 beaker. The beaker was turned upside down and left until nearly all the alcohol had evaporated and created an ethyl alcohol atmosphere inside the beaker. The beaker was then placed over a drop of H2O placed on a slide. The experiment was later repeated using H2SO4 and HNO3.

   As the ethyl alcohol vapours solubilise in the drops, partially reacting in the case of H2SO4, they should really diminish the surface tension of the drops and then continue to spread over the glass slide.

   What was observed was exactly the opposite. The drops contract incredibly, reducing their surface of contact with ethyl alcohol atmosphere as much as possible. When the beaker is removed, the drops expand rapidly, bathing the glass and if the beaker containing its atmosphere of ethyl alcohol is placed once more over the drops, they once more contract.

   The drops behave as if they did not want contaminated, and so they make their surface of contact with ethyl alcohol vapours as small as possible. It is a well known fact that when a liquid L is on the surface of a solid S and is in contact with gas G, the angle of contact depends on the three interfacial tensions γGS, γLS, γGL. If the solid-gas tension (γGS) is greater then the tension on the limiting solid-liquid surface (γLS), the angle of contact is less than 90° and it is said that the liquid bathes the solid; in the opposite case, the relative angle will be between 90° and 180°.

The phenomenon observed in the experiments of the sixth group are, therefore, determined by the fact that changing the gas, from air to ethyl alcohol, the term γGS > γLS becomes γGS < γLS. The drop contracts to go from a contact angle of less than 90° to one more than 90°.

In the previous experiments, the effect of evaporation of the ethyl alcohol, acetic acid or acetone, is that the drop of liquid is now in contact with air, contact angle 90°, and now in contact with the ethyl alcohol vapours, angle of contact 180°<90°. The thickness of the drop is greater where the angle of contact is 180°<90°, it is not in equilibrium, as figure 5 shows.

Figure 1.5


And in order to achieve equilibrium, some of the liquid moves towards the left while the ethyl alcohol vapours cause a contact angle of >90°. The movement of the liquid inside the drop along with the existence at the same time of a >90° contact angle causes the whole drop to move, as we see in figure 6.


Figure 1.6



The last experiment concerned HNO3 and H2O. A drop of H2O is allowed to fall on to a slide and then is followed by a drop of HNO3 in such a way that the edges of the two drops are 2cm away from each other. After a few minutes one observe, around the drop H2O and in particular in the space between the two drops, the formation of condense. Analysis with litmus paper reveals that the condense is acid. Subsequently, the condense becomes ever more intense, to the point where real and proper drops are formed which join and bring the drop of HNO3 in contact whit the drop of H2O.

At this point, the drops merge, as can be seen in figures 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d.

Fig. 7a                                                                                      Fig. 7b                                  



Fig. 7c                                                                                    

Fig. 7d

Alone on the glass, the HNO3 evaporates slowly but the vapour does not condense on the glass. One observes this happening only in the presence of H2O.




The behaviour of the drops on the slides is extremely peculiar. We have seen them move now slowly, now rapidly, now in uniform mode, now in skips and jumps. We have seen their evanescent halos, and those ramifications we called « tentacles » on account of their meandering motion. We have observed a whole myriad of curious evolutions that made us all the more enthusiastic as we proceeded with our research, because the phenomena we observed are not familiar to chemists. There is no doubt at all that what we observed must have some highly complicated chemical-physical explanation, and perhaps certain other factors come into play.

   But at this point, we were very much tempted to entitle our research with a question: could this be « the chemo taxis of the non-living?».

Appendix 2


Device for measuring flow potentials


The appliance, very briefly, consists of a glass container, with upper and lower openings and placed at a certain height, where the solution is introduced. An electrode connected to a multimeter is placed inside the container. The solution is run through a diaphragm composed of Left quartz granules or Right quartz granules, where micro condensers are generated and finally collected in a second container. The latter is placed lower than the first and contains inside an electrode connected to the multimeter. The sliding drags with it some charges from the micro capacitors, generating a potential difference (flow potential) between the two containers which is measured by the multimeter: electrokinetic effects are expressed as flow potential. The potential difference of the reference solution is first measured. Subsequently, the potential difference of the reference solution is measured to which an amino acid L or an amino acid D has been added.




The research was presented at the event "Physics around us" from 15 December 2005 to 15 January 2006, organized in the Church of San Francesco by the Department of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Insubria and by the Alessandro Volta Center for Scientific Culture. The photo was taken on that occasion.





Appendix 3


Experimental part


Soluble glass in commerce is formed  Na2SiO3 in colloidal silica and its average formula Is:  Na2O · 2SiO2 · 2H2O.

In solution Na2SiO3   solubilizes forming:

Na2SiO3  + 3H2O  ----  2NaOH + H4SiO4

H4SiO4, an orthosilicic acid, polymerizes in part giving origin to colloidal silica which adds itself to that already existing. The greater part of colloidal silica aggregates giving origin to flakes of amorphous silica. Hence, when soluble glass dissolves one has in solution the simultaneous presence of: 

NaOH, H4SiO4, colloidal silica and amorphous silica.

Exactly because of the presence of big molecules of colloidal silica and amorphous silica, the solution has a certain turbid aspect. Such turbid aspect depends on the concentration of the soluble glass and on the temperature, and it can impede observation on the polarimeter. How then can one choose the concentration of soluble glass for measurements on the polarimeter?

As the turbid aspect increases when the temperature decreases, the concentration must be specific for a certain interval of temperature.

It must be as concentrated as possible, but the resulting turbid aspect must give on the polarimeter such a visibility that the measurement is credible and repeatable.

If one increases the concentration of soluble glass, NaOH increases also. The increase of pH is an obstacle to formation of the colloid. With concentrations above 0,04 g/40 cc the solutions must be neutralized.

Measurements of solutions of soluble glass, at various concentrations and time intervals, have been made with the polarimeter.

When the technique was standardized, it was observed that such solutions demonstrate optical activity.

Observations on the polarimeter lead moreover to think that it is the colloidal silica which rotates the plane of polarized light.

Three standard concentrations were chosen as demonstrative experiments; in these experiments one observes the maximum deviation with the minimum waiting time.



1st  experiment

temp. 20°C ± 2,

soluble glass  0,05g , 40cc H2OBid. to 80°C and cooling , containing 1 drop of HCl 8N, resulting solution pH 8,

in solution 50-60 s. move with glass stick,

after agitation,30 s. rest

in the polarimetric tube, total time 2 min.

at the polarimeter

Negative: -0,10°   -0,15° ( verified by: Bianchi Stefania, Branca Salvatore, Russo Rosa )

waiting time  ¼ h, remixed in the polarimetric tube

Negative: - 0,05°

another waiting time ¼ h, remixed in the polarimetric tube,

the solution is slightly turbid

No deviation.


2nd experiment

temp. 20°C ± 2,

soluble glass 0,30 g , 38 cc H2OBid

dissolved with magnetic agitation , 1 min. ( 200 speed )

addition of  12cc  CH3CH2OH, magnetic agitation 30 sec. wait 2 min.

at the polarimeter

Negative: -0,25° ( verified by: Bianchi Stefania, Russo Rosa, Serratore Sandra)

The deviation slowly decreases and after about 30 min. it disappears. When the solution is mixed again in the polarimetric tube, one observes almost no deviation of polarized light.

Verified by: Bianchi Stefania, Russo Rosa, Serratore Sandra



3rd experiment

Temp. 40°C

Soluble glass 0,05g, 40cc H2OBid. to 80°C and cooling, to 45-48°C, containing 1 drop of HCl 8N, resulting solution pH 8, in solution 30 s. move with glass stick, 30 s. rest.

at the polarimeter

No deviation (verified by: Branca Salvatore, Russo Rosa )


Silica in solution rotates the plane of polarized light to the left.

   From the reaction 1), orthosilic acid gives origin first to colloidal silica and afterwards to amorphous silica. Observation on the polarimeter of colloidal silica must take account of the particularity of the colloids. The colloidal suspensions are not really solutions and their properties are not direct functions of the dimensions of state.

   From H4SiO4 is formed a certain quantity of colloid which slowly aggregates forming amorphous silica, whereas other colloid begin to form. The concentration of colloid in solution is not always constant. Observation shows, first a deviation of polarized light (the right half of the visual field seems darker) which slowly weakens and then increases again unexpected. In some observations the two halves of the visual field seem to be equal but slowly the right half becomes darker and this means that the concentration of colloid is increasing. In some cases one can observe immediately a consistent deviation which slowly weakens, whereas in other cases the deviation maintains itself for more than a quarter of an hour. The fact that after a certain time of waiting the deviation of the plane of polarized light disappears means that it is the colloid that has this characteristic. The amorphous silica which afterwards forms, gives only a turbid solution without deviations.

Experiment 2) shows how the addition of ethyl alcohol amplifies the deviation of the plane of polarized light. It is in fact known that the addition of alcohol to a colloidal suspension at first increases the Tyndall effect. Probably alcohol retards the aggregation of the colloidal particles and their concentration is temporarily higher. 

Because the colloids, as we have already said, are extremely unstable, even with very small variations of physical chemical conditions, it is very difficult to obtain results which can be reproduced. In particular, during the observations the following is observed.

If one uses H2O demineralised the deviation is almost imperceptible.

If one uses H2O bidistilled, the deviation is clear but not always repeatable.

If one uses  H2O bidistilled heated to  80°C (CO2 free) and then cooled the results are reproducible .

As already said amorphous silica shows tridimite and crystobalite crystallites.

Colloidal silica, which precedes amorphous silica, rotates the plane of polarized light to the left.

   Hence it seems that orthosilic acid, when it polymerizes, gives origin, during its very brief existence, to ordered structures of the quartz  L  type. Such structures transform themselves in tridimite and crystobalite in amorphous silica, to rebecome, after geological times, quartz in chalcedony

Measures of silica suspensions have been made also in different concentration and temperatures.

Experimental data indicate that when the temperature increases and up to 34°C the deviation of polarized light remains on the same level.

Over the temperature of 34°C  the deviation decreases drastically to become zero already at 38-40 °C

As already stated, the most believable hypothesis is that, at the temperature of 37°C, the “almost crystalline“ structures of H2O definitely collapse. Experimental data show furthermore that around the same temperature colloidal silica no more deviates polarized light.

   Although it is not clear how this can happen, it seems however evident that there is a direct relationship between the cluster of H2O and the colloidal silica structure; when the cluster are destroyed, the deviation of polarized light definitely disappears.

   As already said, colloidal silica is surrounded by a cloud of water molecules. The tetrahedral structural units of silica, by binding to give colloidal particles, could orient themselves in any direction, but not being rigid, they actually "rest" on the clusters. If we imagine that these clusters may have a random modulation, a contribution, even if very small, could give it a preferential direction. This contribution could be the consequence of the Earth's magnetic field on H2O asymmetry.


 To execute precision measurements on the polarimeter, the following practices are useful. During use, the polarimeter heats and after some hours goes from  20°C to  26, 27°C. With the variation in temperature of the polarimeter, its zero also varies. Working at ambience temperature, putting the polarimeter on and off, does not maintain it at a constant temperature and hence it is necessary to run after continually the zero-set. It is better to put on the polarimeter, to wait about  3h, until the temperature stabilizes, and then to put at zero. Controlling the temperature at every reading, the oscillation must not be over ±0,2°C. The screw-cap and the slide of polarimetric tube, must always be in the same position so as to avoid errors due to the thickness of the glass or the internal gum-packing.

Make signs on the glass and on the cap and position them always in correspondence.

During closing, the slide does not remain attached to the gum-packing; put a small drop of water on the gum-packing and apply it to the slide.

When the polarimeter is at zero and empty, if one inserts its tube with water, one observes different values when it is rotated. Stick an adhesive tape with four signs around the polarimetric tube.

Observe the polarimeter, rotate in the four positions, and choose the position closest to zero. Put on zero-set and start measuring the specimen using the reference position.

Appendix 4




Na2O·2SiO2·2H2O g. 1,1 + 50 cc of H2Obid., cover with parafilm, wait 20-30 min. one obtains a limpid solution. Add about 0,30g of amino acid DL. Neutralize into pH 6,8-7,4 drop by drop ,mixing, with about 21 drops HCl 6N, temperature 18-21 °C, cover again with parafilm. After about 20-30 min., the formation of the colloid begins and hence of amorphous silica. Let the substance rest for 3-5 h. Filter with Wattman filter medium fast after having mashed with a spatula the amorphous silica. For every test, take the first 25cc of the filtered solution. Exsiccate on an electric plate at the beginning at 65°C (temperature of the solution) and dry at 60°C (temperature of the plate). The residue must be well dried, mix continually with a glass stick. One adds 14cc of H2Obid or 14cc of a polarimetric solution specific of the amino acid. After about 1/2h, it is to be poured in a graded cylinder and left at rest for 10 min. The solution contains precipitate of NaCl. 7,5 cc+7,5cc are taken and centrifuged for 5-7min at 3800 r/min. The upper part is prelevated and taken to the polarimeter.




Amino acids used

Threonine to H2O

Valine to HCl 6N

Alanine to HCl 6N

Threonine DL solubility in H2O g 1,25 to 14cc, weighed 0,30g.

Because one prelevates 25cc these will contain 0,15g of Thr DL; 1,25/0,15 = 8 experiments max for a total of 200cc , dry and follow the procedure.

On the polarimeter:  no appreciable value.


Valine  DL solubility in HCl 6N  g 1,30 to 14cc, weighed 0,30g.

Because one prelevates 25cc these will contain 0,15g of Val DL; 1,30/0,15 = 8 experiments max for a total of 200cc , dry and follow the procedure.

On the polarimeter:  no appreciable value.

 Alanine  DL solubility in HCl 6N  g 8,25 to 14cc, weighed 0,32g.

Because one prelevates 25cc these will contain 0,16 of Ala DL; 8,25/0,16= 50 experiments max.


1st Test

Solution used to bring the polarimeter to zero: solution 6N to HCl saturated on NaCl 15 cc + 5g. of Ala DL

1,1g of Na2O·2SiO2·2H2O to 50cc of H2O + 0,34g of ALA DL x 32,total 800cc; follow the procedure, one adds 14cc of HCl 6N. Solution and precipitate 21cc.

On the Polarimeter: -0,075 ÷ -0,1  average -0,85 (verified by Bianchi Stefania).

2nd Test

Solution used to bring the polarimeter to zero: solution 6N to HCl  saturated on NaCl  15 cc + 5g. of Ala DL

1,1g of Na2O·2SiO2·2H2O to 50cc of H2O + 0,34g of ALA DL x 32,total 800cc; follow the procedure, one adds 14cc of HCl 6N. Solution and precipitate 21cc.

On the Polarimeter: -0,1  average  (verified by Russo Rosa).


3rd Test

Solution used to bring the polarimeter to zero: H2OBID:

a) 1,1g of Na2O·2SiO2·2H2O to 50cc of H2O + 0,32g of ALA DL x 16, total 400cc; follow the procedure. One adds 14cc of HCl 6N. Solution and precipitate 19cc.

On the Polarimeter: -0,05 ÷ 0,075    average  -0,63. (Verified by Bianchi Stefania and Russo Rosa).

 b) 1,1g of Na2O·2SiO2·2H2O to 50cc of H2O + 0,32g of ALA DL x 48, total 1200cc; follow the procedure. One adds 14cc of HCl 6N. Solution and precipitate 24,5cc.

On the polarimeter: -0,10÷ -0,15 average -0,13 (verified by Bianchi Stefania , Russo Rosa)


As they are triplicate the solutions should give -0,20. But the final solution has results of 24,5cc with a dilution of 30%with respect to the preceding. When the due calculations have been made, the theoretical deviation should be -0,14.

The same experiments repeated at the temperature of 24-25°C do not give appreciable values.

  Experiment thermostatic at 20°C

 Solution used to bring the polarimeter to zero: solution 6N to HCl saturated on NaCl 15 cc + 5g. of Ala DL

1,1g of Na2O·2SiO2·2H2O to 50cc of H2O + 0,32g of ALA DL x 48, total 1200cc; follow the procedure. One adds 14cc of HCl 6N. Solution and precipitate 24,5cc.

On the polarimeter: -0,10 average



Appendix 5



Around the quartz with Matlab



Computer simulation of the electric field generated near a structure similar to that of quartz

By Nicola Occhipinti


The quartz crystal is constituted of helical structures whose unities are tetrahedrons of SiO4. Such structures can be developed in a right sense or a left sense and are the mirror image one of the other. These two crystal forms rotate the plane of polarized light to the left or to the right.

I have developed a program to observe the behaviour of the vectorial electric field generated by a structure similar to a quartz crystal. The program, once the structure and the distribution of the charges have been defined, would treat the calculation and the vectorial visualization of the electric field in a given portion of space.

The silicon-oxygen bond has a character for the most part ionic. For this reason tetrahedric units with four positive charges in the centre and a negative charge for every vertex have been constructed, figure 1. The distance between the centre and the vertexes is m, typical of the silicon-oxygen bond.

 Figure 1. SiO4: the 4 oxygen atoms are positioned at the vertices of the tetrahedron, the silicon atom in the center.


These units have been rotated and translated and a helical structure of 9 tetrahedrons has been created. The units are linked together at the vertexes. Every unit is rotated 120° with respect to the preceding unit, figure 2. The direction of rotation is anticlockwise and this corresponds to the structure of a quartz L.


Figure 2. Basic structure: made up of 9 tetrahedra, each rotated 120° with respect to the previous one.

 This basic structure has been reproduced 27 times inside a cube as in figure 3.

Figure 3. Reproduction of the crystal structure of the quartz used for the simulation.

For the calculation of the electric field, different portions of the surrounding space have been rendered discrete. The contributions of every single charge have been summed for every point of these portions. The electric field is visualized only in particular surfaces which are equipotential, and this to create a greater clarity of the images. At a distance these surfaces are ellipsoids because the structure is comparable to a body with a uniform charge density. The equipotential surfaces are more irregular near the crystalline structure, and at the apexes of the ellipsoids one can see characteristic holes, figure 4.

Figure 2.4

Figure 4. Electric field generated: a particular equipotential surface is represented; the cones indicate rotation and direction of the electric field. You notice how the direction of the field tends to go from one pole to another.

To better analyse the behaviour of the electric field near these convergence zones, I chose a smaller discrete interval. The electric field will thus be more precise. (Figure 5, 6, 7)

Figure 5. Detail of the convergence zone with more precise discretization.


Figure 6. Zoom with different angle.

Figure 2.7

Figure 7. Image without equipotential surface. The appearance of circles is caused by discretization, the distance between them corresponds to the discretization interval.

Afterwards, with the purpose of increasing the likeness of the structure to the real one of quartz, the single helical structures were disposed in phase. But, as can be seen in figure 2.8, the result is the same.

Figure 8. Image without equipotential surface.


If quartz comes into contact with a solution, on the surface micro capacitors take origin. The theory of «The molecular selection. Amino acids: first hypothesis and experimental data», makes the hypothesis that inside these micro capacitors, the helical structures of quartz give origin to electric fields whose line forces have a helical form, that is they are like the hole of a screw orientated to the right or to the left. The simulation on computer does not definitely confirm this theory. But it demonstrates the existence of electric fields which are not uniform and are very similar to those of our hypothesis.

Thanks to Matlab for the authorization to publish the processed images.



For the first edition, of which ample excerpts are contained in this new edition, I warmly thank:

For their critical contribution

Borghi Emilio, Cattaneo Clemente, Cavaliere Maria Laura, Pietramala Anna Maria, Rigano Carlo, Ruberto Placido, Zappacosta Francesco

For the correction of many parts of the text and for the elaboration of images on the computer.

Fossati Pasquale

For the illustrations on AutoCAD

Bonansea luigi, Castiglioni Mara, Liuzzi Niccolò

For the observations of the experimental data on the polarimeter

Branca Salvatore, Bianchi Stefania, Russo Rosa, Serratore Sandra.


For the new edition, I warmly thank:

Cattaneo Clemente for his contribution on "molecular asymmetry and the Earth's magnetic field".

Fossati Pasquale and Modafferi Antonia who read large parts of the essay and their appreciation was a source of strong encouragement for me.

Translation from the Italian by  Silvia Occhipinti

 and Oketayot Sydney Isaiah Luke

The Appendix 1 is Philips’ original translation.





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Chapter 1. But what is life?       ............................................................

Chapter 2. Introduction to the origin of life and the laws of nature. 

Chapter 3.Origin of the constituents of nucleic acids and proteins… 

Chapter 4. Organizing principle and molecular asymmetry.............. 

Chapter 5. The problem of molecular asymmetry: the disappearance of the form D ........................

Chapter 6. The  origin  of  the  genetic  code:  the  electrokinetic theory 106

Chapter 7. The choice of 20 amino acids ........................................

Chapter 8. Protein synthesis ........................................... ............. ..

Chapter 9. Origin of life: the protoorganism ................................ ..

Chapter 10. From the protoorganism to the cell ............................ 

Chapter 11. Cell duplication ............................................................

Chapter 12. The origin of the mind .......................................... ...... 

Appendix 1. Explorations: as different as two drops.

Superficial phenomena near slow bumps between chemical compounds or "chemotaxis of the non-living"……………………………….

Appendix 2. Apparatus for the measurement of flow potentials ....

Appendix 3. Experimental part ....................................................... 

Appendix 4. Procedure .............................................. .....................

Appendix 5. Around quartz with Matlab .........................................

Acknowledgments ...........................................................................






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