Post n. 40 English
The researches
of Derek York illustrated in "Gli albori della storia della terra" Le
Scienze" 1995, have highlighted how the plate tectonics is a process
started in the very first phases of the history of our planet. The continents
were drifting, as early as 3.5 billion years ago "[...] at a rate of 1.5 centimetres
per year, i.e. similar to the rate at which the North American continent has
been drifting away from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge over the last 100 million
Drift leads the continents sooner or later to collide and thus to a new drift. Where the
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continents collide, the underlying material may emerge as lava or give rise
to mountains (orogenesis), while over 200 million years all the oceanic crust
slides into the mantle. All the material that emerges is subjected to
continuous erosion that goes slowly to replace the oceanic crust. The earth
since its formation is therefore a planet in continuous evolution and the
earth's crust has been since its origin continuously recycled. Nevertheless,
some ancient sediments have been spared by erosion and orogenetic processes.
From the study of these ancient sediments, called ancient continental shields
and from the subsequent sediments up to our days we can trace, even if with
many gaps, the tragic and at the same time extraordinary history of life. The
discovery, in these sediments, of very ancient fossils shows us our
evolutionary link with microorganisms that lived at the dawn of life.
originated about 3.6 billion years ago in the form of single-celled organisms.
The first organisms were surely heterotrophic, they fed on organic substances
that were abundant in the primitive environment and they were unable to
synthesize nutrients. When this type of nutrient began to be scarce, some
microorganisms were able to produce nutrients from carbon dioxide (CO2) by
obtaining the necessary energy from the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or
oxidizing iron from Fe + + to Fe + + + (chemoautotrophs), others obtain
energy using solar energy (photoautotrophs), sulfobacteria. These
microorganisms called anaerobic because they lived in the absence of oxygen,
did not use H2O as a source of hydrogen, and none released oxygen into the
atmosphere. How long nourishment was available in the primitive environment,
and how the microorganisms learned to produce their own nourishment, we do not
know. We can imagine that the time must have been long enough to allow, in some
organisms, a series of mutations. Driven by the survival instinct for the
scarcity of food, these microorganisms assembled in a colony have made the leap
from heterotrophy to autotrophy. An evolutionary process accelerated by
environmental conditions and the possibility to exploit an enormous number of
ecological niches. These microorganisms similar to today's bacteria, called
prokaryotes, were for 2 billion years, the undisputed rulers of the planet.
term prokaryote also includes another group of protoorganisms: cyanobacteria,
often called blue algae, microorganisms capable of photosynthesis that use H2O
as a source of hydrogen and as a by-product release oxygen. But when life
appeared on earth, and even in later epochs, the atmosphere did not contain
oxygen or as is often said was anoxic. This hypothesis has received several
confirmations. At the beginning of the sixties of last century, laboratory
experiments have highlighted that the abiotic synthesis of simple molecules for
the origin of life occurs more easily in the absence of oxygen than in its
presence. In addition, the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere, with the
consequent formation of ozone (O3), would have destroyed these molecules and
life would never have occurred. Further confirmation comes from ancient
continental shields, in particular sedimentary deposits of Uraninite (UO2).
Uraninite sedimentary deposits, formed in river beds, have been found and show
various dates, the most recent dating from about 1.8 billion years ago. No
sedimentary deposits of uraninite are found after this date. Uraninite in the
presence of oxygen oxidizes rapidly to U3O8, this compound is soluble and is
carried away by water. The date around 1.8 billion years ago is therefore a
watershed and we can say that until that time the atmosphere must have been
anoxic. A confirmation of this dating also comes to us from the striated formations of iron. Iron can be
found as iron ore Fe++ that is reduced or, if oxygen is present, as ferric Fe+++that is oxidized, red in colour. Ancient sedimentary deposits contain mainly
reduced iron, have different dates with a minimum age of 1.8 billion years ago.
It has been calculated that at that time the atmosphere contained small
quantities of oxygen, 1/1000 of the present one, and it was produced
exclusively by the dissociation of water in hydrogen and oxygen by solar
radiation. The oxygen released by this process could not accumulate in the
atmosphere because it oxidized the surface of the iron sediments. The same
process that, due to the presence of a thin coating of oxidized iron (Fe2O3),
turned the surface of Mars red. With such a concentration of oxygen the ozone
shield was almost non-existent, the atmosphere was therefore transparent to
ultraviolet rays lethal to living organisms. Ultraviolet rays rendered land and
oceans sterile down to a depth of 10 meters. The first microorganisms necessarily
had to live beyond a depth of 10 meters or in shallow lagoons hidden among the
sediments or sheltered among the debris of muddy and sandy areas. Another category of important minerals are red beds, so named because they are red
in colour due to the presence of oxidized iron Fe2O3. They are deposits that
were formed in the presence of an atmosphere that contained oxygen. There are
different dates, some of 200 million years ago others of 400 million but the
oldest are dated 1.4 billion years ago. It has been calculated that at this
last date the content of oxygen in the atmosphere had reached 1/100 of the
current one. In conclusion, for almost two billion years the content of oxygen
in the atmosphere, produced by the dissociation of water by ultraviolet rays,
remains constant, while between 1.8 and 1.4 billion years ago is poured into
the atmosphere a large amount of oxygen. Given the enormous temporal distance
that separates us from these events, it is clear that these dates cannot be
taken as definitive boundaries. For example, the study of sulphur isotopes in
the various epochs brings back to 2.4 billion years ago the beginning of the
appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere. However, all scientists agree on one
thing: this drastic increase of oxygen in the atmosphere was caused by
photosynthesis of cyanobacteria.
when did cyanobacteria appear?
ancient continental shields give us evidence that 3.5 billion years life
already existed and was also well diversified. Around the end of the sixties
the famous palaeontologist Elso S.Barghoorn, "I fossili più antichi" Le
Scienze 1971, and his collaborator J. William Schopf, discovered microfossils
in very ancient rocks. Specifically in the Fig Tree formation in South Africa,
dated 3.2 billion years ago, they found 28 specimens of microfossils that
resemble present-day bacteria. Of these, 2 specimens look no different from
today's cyanobacteria. Microfossils have also been discovered in sedimentary
deposits of North America called the Gunflint Formation and dated 2 billion
years ago. In these microfossils, 8 different genera have been identified of
which 4 are similar to present day cyanobacteria. Probably the discovery of
only 2 specimens of microfossils capable of photosynthesis, dating back to 3.2
billion years ago, suggested to Barghoorn a certain caution and in fact he
concludes: "There are valid reasons to believe that the organisms found in
the Fig Tree flints and dating back to three billion years ago were not capable
of photosynthesis. Instead, it is probable that the Gunflint forms, a billion
years more recent, were photosynthesizing."
1978 J. William Schopf in "L'evoluzione delle prime cellule" Le
Scienze, publishes an article on the evolution of biochemical systems by
natural selection from the first organisms until the elaboration of the
biochemical apparatus of photosynthesis, the process that generates oxygen. He
concludes, "The first photosynthesizing organisms made their appearance
before three billion years ago. They were anaerobic [thriving in the absence of
oxygen] precursors of modern photosynthesizing bacteria. [...] The appearance
of aerobic photosynthesis in the middle Precambrian introduced a change in the
global environment that was to influence all subsequent evolution." Recall
that, for paleontology, Precambrian means the period from the formation of the
Earth to the Palaeozoic that begins with the Cambrian about 600 million years
ago. By middle Precambrian we therefore mean about 2 billion years ago, in line
with Barghoorn's conclusion. To conclude, at the beginning of the 80s of the last
century it was believed that the first organisms were divided into
heteroautotrophs, chemoautotrophs and photoautotrophs (sulfobacteria), appeared
3.5 billion years ago and capable only of a primitive metabolism, and that
cyanobacteria, with a more complex metabolism responsible for the increase of
oxygen in the atmosphere, appeared around 2 billion years ago. This kind of
scenario is consistent with the Darwinian view of a slow transition from the
less complex to the more complex.
In the latter half of the 1980s, J. William Schopf and two of his collaborators collected flints in an area of the Pilbara craton in Australia, named Apex and dated to 3.5billion
years ago. Microscopic fossils were discovered in these
flints. In particular, 1990 specimens of about 200 individuals were identified,
grouped into 11 different types. It is Schopf's opinion that 6 of the 11
species are cyanobacteria that in size, shape, and cellular organization
resemble modern cyanobacteria. These microfossils are found together with
carbonaceous organic debris whose Carbon isotopic composition is typical of
cyanobacterial photosynthesis. This discovery convinced Schopf to radically
change the previous paradigm, introducing a vision that was in some respects
revolutionary. He published his research in 1993 and in 2003 he took a broader
view of his conclusions and published "La culla della vita" 2003,
where he states, "If this parentage is correct, the presence of
cyanobacteria in this nearly 3.5 billion year old community testifies to the
fact that evolution came a long way in a hurry at first. All cyanobacteria are
capable of performing the kind of photosynthesis that releases oxygen and, like
higher animals and plants, can inhale oxygen (via the process known as aerobic
respiration). Photosynthesis and aerobic respiration are, however, both
advanced life processes, evolved from other more primitive in which oxygen did
not play any role. If in such remote times cyanobacteria existed, they had to
be already present even the processes evolved previously; they had to have
already been part of the living world both photosynthetic organisms that do not
release oxygen (bacterial photosynthesizers) in addition to those that release
it (cyanobacteria), and microbes capable of living in the absence of oxygen
(anaerobes) in addition to those that breathe (aerobes). These are precisely
the processes that feed the current living world. If among the Apex fossils we
also find cyanobacteria, we must necessarily conclude that the foundations of
the world ecosystem were already established in these early stages of Earth's
history. He further adds, "The key
metabolic processes of current life, heterotrophy and photoautotrophy,
anaerobic or aerobic were invented by microbes that existed billions of years
ago. Whether the cycles of CHON (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen) and
energy concern the animals and plants of our times or only microorganisms, as
in the distant past, the systems used for their circulation are the same, as
well as the same rules apply. The current ecosystem is not recent at all, but
is just an enlarged version of the ecosystem originally created by a menagerie
of ancient microbes."
new vision anticipates, therefore, the appearance of cyanobacteria of 1.5
billion years, no longer to 2 but to 3.5 billion years ago. It follows, as we
will see shortly, that evolution has undergone a very long period of stasis of
over 2 billion years. Because this new paradigm does not so much match the
Darwinian view, Schopf revived the term bradytelike
developed by paleontologist Georg Simpson for exceptionally slow-evolving life
forms. To give an answer to the ultra-slow change of cyanobacteria Schopf
coined the term Hypobradithelia and
concluded, "Simply put, it is argued that cyanobacteria have maintained the
status quo, with little or no change since they burst onto the scene billions
of years ago”.
conclusions about the presence of cyanobacteria already 3.5 billion years old
received a lot of criticism especially since 1996. In that year in fact NASA
scientists announced the discovery of remains of microorganisms in a Martian meteorite. In the same year, in a conference organized by NASA to present the
discovery and in the presence of many scientists, Schopf was the only one to
say that there was no scientific evidence that in the meteorite there were
remains of microorganisms. His opponents
insisted on the appearance of cyanobacteria not earlier than 2 billion years
ago. Schopf brought more evidence to support him, meanwhile molecular traces
were discovered in the Pilbara craton that point to a well-settled presence of
cyanobacteria at least 2.7-2.5 billion years ago. (Robert M. Hazen, "Breve storia della terra" 2017).
debate continues.
wishing to enter into a dispute that concerns experts, an outside observer can,
however, draw logical conclusions about the facts. In relation to the chain of
food cycles, the world ecosystem is a closed system, and the primitive
ecosystem must have been closed as well. Could our ecosystem today do without
plants? In the hellish conditions our planet was in 3.5 billion years ago,
evolution had to explore all possible avenues for survival, and without the
affirmation of cyanobacteria the primitive ecosystem would have been stumped
and life could have become extinct. For survival imperative was everything and
consideration to highlight is the following. Scientists agree that one of the
first forms of autotrophy, 3.5 billion years ago, was the anoxygenic
photosynthesis of sulfobacteria.
+ 6H2S + light = C6H12O6 + 6S2
famous paleobiologist Preston E. Cloud in 1983 in "La biosfera" Le
Scienze put forward the hypothesis that it could have been a mutant
sulfobacterium the first to split water molecules instead of hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) molecules, according to the reaction
+ 6H2O + light = C6H12O6 + 6O2
preserving its ability to use hydrogen sulphide as an alternative energy
if you keep in mind that hydrogen sulphide was found only in particular areas
of the earth and was not as abundant as water, it is incomprehensible how
sulphobacteria could have taken 1.5 billion years to use water instead of H2S
and have an inexhaustible source of raw material.
conclusions are probably closer to the reality of the time.
observe that throughout the history of life, four fundamental events produced
groundbreaking breakthroughs that upset the course of events. Without these
turning points, life on our planet would have remained at the stage of
microorganisms. Well, the first of these breakthroughs, 3.5 billion years ago,
was the aerobic photosynthesis of
if cyanobacteria appeared 3.5 billion years ago, and if there was no oxygen in
the atmosphere until 1.8 billion years ago, what happened to the oxygen
produced by cyanobacteria during this long period?
to Schopf between 3.5 and 2 billion years ago, a huge amount of ferrous iron
(Fe++) was poured into the oceans giving rise to the banded iron formations. But
initially, in the places where cyanobacteria lived, the oxygen produced was
used to oxidize iron in solution (from Fe++ to Fe++). As oxygen spread
throughout the oceans and scavenged the ferrous iron (Fe++), about 1.8 billion
years ago, it began to spill into the atmosphere. As oxygen slowly increased in
the atmosphere, the ozone shield began to form and ultraviolet rays were thus
blocked in the atmosphere.
When around 1.4 billion years ago the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere
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reached 1/100 of today's, the concentration of ozone allowed ultraviolet rays
to reach just the surface of the oceans. Microorganisms could then rise to the
surface and have the entire ocean at their disposal. While these photosynthetic
organisms developed defences to live in the presence of oxygen, aerobic, for
anaerobic organisms oxygen is a powerful poison. All researchers agree that the
presence of oxygen has caused an environmental crisis leading to the mass
extinction of several evolutionary lines of anaerobic.
fact, we have no evidence of such events. It is possible that in the marine
environment, some species that lived in the open ocean, where there were few
niches in which to hide, became extinct. On the coast and on land, in muddy
areas, anaerobes could migrate to anaerobic areas. We must also keep in mind
that the increase in oxygen concentration occurred over hundreds of millions of
years, so anaerobic organisms had plenty of time to work out defences. In
conclusion, we do not know whether the change in atmosphere actually produced
mass extinctions of evolutionary lines. Ancient continental shields do not give
us any information about possible extinctions in this epoch. However, in these 2 billion years, storms
with sudden high and low tides, volcanism, meteoric bombardment even if much
more rarefied than in the early stages of planet formation, were definitely
present. Periods of overheating and acid rain were therefore, in geological
times, frequent. So, it is more likely that all these processes, associated with
the drift and later the collision of the continents, and the appearance of
oxygen led the environment to undergo continuous changes both in the short and
long term. Ecological niches, refuge for living organisms, disappeared and with
them their hosts. We can then imagine that, in this long period, prokaryotes
certainly underwent continuous decimations that brought them close to
extinction and that several times they had to start all over again the conquest
of the earth.
living organisms need energy to keep us alive. The biochemical process that
allows prokaryotes to obtain energy is called fermentation. This process makes
available to microorganisms an amount of energy equal to about 50 Kcal per
As we mentioned the heterotrophs fed on substances they found in the environment. These prokaryotes were like today of various sizes and often the larger ones fed on smaller microorganisms, like the big fish eats the little one, predators and prey.
One day, about 1.4 billion years ago, a large prokaryote swallows a
small prokaryote. But before digesting it, fortunately for us, the large
prokaryote realizes that this tiny being had exceptional abilities: it was able
to extract energy from organic substances using oxygen, a process that we call
respiration. Through respiration, from the same organic substances used for
fermentation, instead of 50 it is possible to obtain 686 Kcal per mole. The
large prokaryote was careful not to digest it; rather the two began to
collaborate, a process that in biology has been called endosymbiosis. After a
stasis of over 2 billion years, the evolution of this symbiosis, through
mutations, gave rise to a cell 10 thousand times larger than the cell of
prokaryotes, which is called Eukaryote. The appearance of the eukaryotic cell
had as consequences a radical change of life on earth, because all higher (in
the sense of more complex) organisms, and therefore also us, are made of
eukaryotic cells.
And here begins another story.
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